Don’t be the same for breakfast, teach you the most enjoyable way to eat noodles, eat it every day without getting tired, it’s so fragrant

What is more nutritious to eat? What is better to eat? It is a problem that plagues many friends. Today, I will share with you a recipe for breakfast noodles. The breakfast noodles made in this way are spicy, delicious, simple and delicious, and the method is very simple and easy to make. This breakfast noodle recipe doesn’t take long, it only takes ten minutes to complete. If you don’t know what to eat for breakfast, then let’s take a look at the cooking steps of this breakfast noodles.

[Breakfast Noodles]

[Cooking Ingredients] Noodles, Garlic, Shallots, Salt , pepper, soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil, chili oil, cooking oil

[cooking steps]

1. The food I want to cook with you next is breakfast noodles, which will definitely solve your problem of not knowing what to eat for breakfast. The breakfast noodles made in this way are spicy, delicious, simple and delicious. It is worth a try. Let’s prepare the ingredients for breakfast noodles. First prepare a handful of noodles, 3~5 cloves of garlic, a spoonful of salt, and a A small spoon of pepper, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil, chili oil, and cooking oil will do.

2. Put the noodles we prepared on a plate first, and then put them in a place where you can take them easily, so that when we cook, it is very convenient convenient. After the noodles are set, we can make the sauce. First, take out the garlic we have prepared, and remove all its outer skin. After removing the outer skin, we will cut it into minced garlic. Cut the minced garlic as finely as possible, so that the garlic flavor will be more intense. Put the garlic in a large bowl. Then we will take out the shallots.

3.Choose and clean the shallots we have prepared, then take them out and put them on the chopping board and cut them into finely chopped green onions. Put too much, and put a little less flavor and it will be more delicious. After putting the garlic and shallots in the bowl, we will add an appropriate amount of salt to it. The salt must be according to your own taste.

4. Next, let’s put an appropriate amount of pepper powder, soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce and chicken essence into the bowl. After adding these seasonings, add a little more sesame oil and chili oil, if you like spicy food, add a little more chili oil, if you don’t like spicy food, add a little less chili oil, add them all to the bowl, stir them thoroughly with chopsticks, and set aside .

5. Next, we take out the wok, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, heat the cooking oil, and pour it directly into the In the bowl of the seasoning sauce, the aroma of various seasonings is stimulated, and then stir them evenly and set aside for later use. Next, boil half a pot of boiling water in the pot. After the water is boiled, add a spoonful of salt and stir them. Evenly, let the salt melt.

6. After the salt has melted, we will put all the prepared noodles in, and then cook the noodles.Time to keep turning it. After the water in the pot boils, we pour cold water into it, wait until it boils again, pour cold water again, and finally boil it, turn off the heat and take it out of the pot, put it into the sauce bowl, and add an appropriate amount of it. Noodle soup, stir well and serve.


1. Noodles can be prepared as you like , For example, many friends like to eat hand-rolled noodles, so prepare hand-rolled noodles, and some friends prefer to eat vermicelli noodles.

2. When cooking the noodles, add the right amount of salt to make it more glutinous.

Well, today’s food is shared with you all here, I am Uncle Shui, I am serious about exploring the fun of food, and friends who like it can give me some Free likes, thank you for your support!

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