Don’t be afraid to “eat” light! These seasonal fruits are not to be missed!

China Quality News Network News Spring is the season for the recovery of all things. The climate changes from cold to warm, the temperature changes greatly in the morning and evening, and microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses become active. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to replenish your body. of vitamins and minerals to improve the body’s resistance. Here, the expert team of Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau will introduce you several kinds of fruits that are often eaten in season.


Strawberry is ruddy, soft and juicy, sweet and sour, rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, tannic acid, pectin and flowers Nutrient active substances such as cyanidin. Due to high moisture content, delicate tissue, and no protection of peel, strawberries are susceptible to mechanical damage and microbial infection and rot and deteriorate. Careful storage and cleaning are required. It is not recommended to remove the strawberry stalks during cleaning. Rinse with water for 1-2 minutes, and then soak in light salt water for 5 minutes to reduce the microorganisms on the surface of the strawberries.


Cherry is bright in color, sweet in taste, and rich in potassium, which helps control blood pressure. Cherries also contain cellulose, vitamin C, and are rich in polyphenols such as anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, which have high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. It should be noted that the iron content in cherries is not high (0.3-0.4 mg/100g), and there is no iron supplementation effect reported on the Internet.


Sugarcane is rich in sugar, vitamins, organic acids, calcium, iron and other substances, delicious and juicy, with a sweet taste. The following three points should be paid attention to when eating sugarcane: First, sugarcane contains a large amount of crude fiber. Vigorous chewing will damage the oral endothelial cells, resulting in oral blistering or oral ulcers, which is not conducive to oral health. It is recommended to eat in moderation or juice; second, People with special needs for blood sugar control should not eat sugarcane to avoid rapid blood sugar fluctuations; third, pay attention not to eat moldy sugarcane with discoloration, loose tissue, flocculent white matter at the end, and peculiar smell.


Loquat is rich in active substances such as carotene, vitamin B, malic acid, citric acid and amygdalin. Among them, vitamin B and carotene have the function of protecting eyesight; organic acids can stimulate the secretion of gastric mucus, improve gastrointestinal motility, and speed up the digestion of food; amygdalin can relieve cough caused by lung heat, and has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Therefore, it is suitable to eat loquats in the spring when the flu is frequent.

Consumption Tips

1. According to the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)”, adults should consume 200-350g of fruit per day.

2. Fruits that are rotten due to mildew and moth-eaten may contain toxins, and it is not recommended to continue to eat them; while fruits that are not spoiled due to mechanical falls and frostbite can be eaten.

3. There are not many seasonal fruits in spring. The fresh fruits on the market mainly come from cross-season fruits and imported fruits preserved in cold storage. For cross-season fruits, as long as they are grown, preserved and sold in accordance with the specifications, they can be eaten with confidence. For imported fruits, you should enhance your awareness of self-protection when purchasing. You can use your mobile phone to check the origin, source, and import inspection and quarantine information of the fruit through the traceability code, and carefully confirm whether it is consistent with the actual packaging information.

4. Fruit waxing is mainly to reduce water evaporation, preserve freshness and preservatives. According to the provisions of GB 2760-2014 “Standards for the Use of Food Additives”, edible wax, as a food additive, can be used to treat the surface of fruits. Therefore, the rational use of edible wax will not cause harm to the human body. If you want to remove the wax on the fruit, you can remove it by peeling, washing with warm water or salt water. (Correspondent Xiong Zheng)