@dongying people poplar catkins and catkins fly all over the city, allergies need to pay attention to protection

Dazhong Net·Poster News reporter Kong Xiangru reported from Dongying

Recently, with the approaching of late spring and early summer, willows spit green, and Dongying City has entered the willow catkins to fly. Expect. The white tufts of catkins and catkins all over the sky dance in the sky. It seems romantic, but it actually causes great trouble to the citizens. “The willow catkins and Yang Xu made the eyes and nose itchy and uncomfortable, and even sneezing while wearing a mask.” On the morning of May 15, Mr. Li, who lives in Kenli District, Dongying City, told reporters about the troubles Yang and Willow catkins brought him.

Mr. Li said that he has an allergic constitution. Every year in April and May, when catkins and poplars are flying in the sky, he will Feeling very uncomfortable, he said: “I have allergic rhinitis, and I have been allergic to pollen in spring. When the willow catkins come out at this time, I can’t stand it anymore. There is no time of day when my nose is comfortable and my eyes are very itchy, especially At noon, try not to go out if you can.” He also told reporters that one morning, he was driving a car to work when suddenly catkins got into his nostrils, which made him feel extremely itchy, and he had to sneeze, and the result was Nearly collided with the car in front. The garden staff of Dongying Botanical Garden told reporters that under fine weather, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm is the high incidence period of willow flying flakes, and those with allergies should wear masks.

In this regard, the reporter learned from the dermatology, otolaryngology and dermatology departments of various hospitals in the central city that most For people, contact with willow catkins will not be a big problem, but for people with sensitive constitutions, children or the elderly, when the catkins are inhaled into the nose and mouth, it will cause strong irritation, runny nose, cough and asthma, etc. Allergic reactions can also occur on the skin. To this end, the doctor reminds that people with allergies should stay away from catkins and poplars, and try to avoid direct exposure of the skin to the outside. When going out to play, wear a mask and try to avoid places with lush flowers and trees. If the skin appears red, swollen, small papules and other symptoms, you can apply desensitizing topical drugs. If the symptoms still cannot be relieved, you should go to the hospital in time.