Dongguan added 1 local confirmed case and 8 local asymptomatic infections, all in Dalang Town

COVID-19 situation in Dalang Town, Dongguan City on February 27, 2022 (2)

From 20 to 24 on February 27, 1 new local confirmed case (light) was added in our city, and 8 local no Those with symptoms are all in Dalang Town. Among them, 4 cases were found in the investigation of close contacts, 2 cases were discovered in the investigation of key populations in the control area, and 3 cases were discovered in the investigation of key populations in the prevention area, all of which have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment.

The newly confirmed cases are as follows:

Cases 1: Male, 43 years old, unemployed, currently living in Shixia Village, Dalang Town. For the key population in the prevention area.

The new asymptomatic infections are as follows:

Asymptomatic infected person 1: Male, 24 years old, self-employed in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, now living in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town.

Asymptomatic infected person 2: Female, 53 years old, self-employed in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, currently living in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town.

Asymptomatic infected person 3: Male, 50 years old, employee of a company in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, currently living in the company’s dormitory.

Asymptomatic infected person 4: Female, 39 years old, unemployed, currently living in Shixia Village, Dalang Town.

Asymptomatic infected person 5: Male, 28 years old, employee of a company in Foxin Community, Dalang Town, currently living in the company’s dormitory.

Asymptomatic infected person 6: Male, 38 years old, employee of a company in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, currently living in Yangyong, Dalang Town village.

Asymptomatic infection 7: Male, 58 years old, employee of a company in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, currently living in the company’s dormitory.

Asymptomatic infected person 8: Male, 36 years old, employee of a company in Yangyong Village, Dalang Town, currently living in Yangyong, Dalang Town village.

After preliminary investigation, the above cases were mainly active in Dalang Town recently, and the trajectory is:


Xinyue Tableware Factory, No. 82, Yangxin Road, Xujie Industrial Park, No. 124, Yangxin Road, No. 113, Yangxin Road, No. 5, Xianyi District, Xiancun, Shixia Village Committee, Kusai Technology Co., Ltd., Yang Yong Village Ancestral Hall Front Street No. 27, Xinmalian Yunlian Road No. 52 Lihuixiang, Yangyong Village Lixin Road No. 25, Yangyong Village Xiangyuan Street 1 Lane 11 and No. 22.

Citizens who have been to the above-mentioned key places since February 8, please take the initiative to go to the nearest place as soon as possible under the condition of standardizing personal protection. Nucleic acid testing at nucleic acid sampling points, and personal health monitoring within 14 days.

The epidemic prevention headquarters at the town and town levels continued to carry out in-depth investigation and investigation, and comprehensively traced the activity trajectory and personnel contact of the confirmed cases. The close contacts and sub-close contacts of the confirmed cases have been controlled according to the requirements. The workplaces and residences of all confirmed cases have been controlled, and environmental nucleic acid sampling and terminal disinfection have been carried out in key places that have been active.

At present, the epidemic situation in our city is complicated and severe. The general public is requested to do not leave Dongguan or the province unless it is necessary to understand, cooperate and support For the work of front-line epidemic prevention and control personnel such as medical staff, transfer personnel, community workers, public security officers, and volunteers, continue to do a good job in personal protection, strictly implement prevention and control requirements such as scientific wearing of masks, temperature measurement and code verification, and keep washing hands frequently, Regular ventilation, less gathering, “one-meter noodles” and other good hygiene habits. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, sore throat, etc., please wear a medical mask, try to avoid taking public transportation, and go to the nearest fever clinic in time. The follow-up situation will be released in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations.

Dongguan Center for Disease Control and Prevention

2022 February 28

Source: Dongguan CDC