Doing these 4 things can relieve the pain of gout attack, do not apply hot compress to avoid aggravation

The commonly used physical therapy methods include cold compress and hot compress. Cold compress accelerates the contraction of capillaries through temperature changes and reduces edema.

Hot compress also uses heat to reduce local redness, swelling, heat and pain and help relieve the patient’s pain.

Many people know that gout is very painful when it attacks, and it will cause severe pain. If you want to relieve pain, you must choose the correct pain relief method.

So when gout attacks, can I apply heat? What can I do to relieve the pain of a gout attack?

When gout attacks, patients cannot apply hot compresses. Although hot compresses can relieve pain, they are not suitable for this period.

This is because the patient’s hot compress during gout attack will make the capillaries dilate more severely, which will aggravate the gout condition. After the acute phase of gout is over, hot compresses can be selected when entering the recovery phase.

These methods can ease the pain of gout attacks

1. Cold compresses

When gout attacks, you can choose cold compresses to help relieve pain. Cold compresses can relieve the proper amount of local histamine in the joints and reduce pain. Sensitivity, promote the contraction of blood vessels, eliminate redness and swelling.

Patients can apply cold towels or ice packs, and the pain relief effect is very good. However, you need to be careful not to make the ice pack or cold towel in close contact with the skin, so as not to cause the skin to freeze.

2. Patients taking pain medication

When gout attacks, the main method of joint pain is to take painkillers, the most commonly used drug is colchicine, in addition, glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. can also be used.

No matter what kind of medicine you take, you need to take it under the guidance of a professional doctor to achieve the effect of anti-inflammatory and pain relief.

3. Bed rest

Gouty During an acute attack, the joint will experience abnormal pain, and the safest way to deal with it is to rest in bed and do not engage in other activities.

The affected limb can be properly elevated to help improve blood circulation, and to a certain extent, it can also relieve pain.

4. Drink plenty of water

gout During the onset of the disease, patients should drink more water and urinate more, so that the excess uric acid in the body can be excreted in time, which can help reduce the pain caused by gout.

Be careful not to drink beverages, the sugar in beverages will promote the formation of uric acid crystals, and also affect the excretion of uric acid, aggravating the symptoms of gout. For gout patients, it is best to control the amount of water to be controlled at about 2000 ml per day.

It can be seen that hot compresses cannot be used during gout attacks, otherwise it will aggravate the condition. To relieve the pain of gout attacks, you can refer to the methods mentioned above.

In addition, daily attention should be paid to the prevention of gout. The first thing to do is to stabilize the uric acid in the body. When it is found that the uric acid in the body is too high, it must be treated and improved in time;

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Secondly, pay attention to eating less foods with high purine, such as animal offal, seafood, some vegetables and other foods, and stop drinking alcohol;

You should also develop the habit of exercising at ordinary times. Moderate exercise can promote the excretion of uric acid in the body and reduce the level of uric acid in the body. Of course, you should keep warm and avoid cold joints, especially in summer. Blow on the air conditioner.