Doing sachets and talking about gardening online and offline lectures, Wudong Hospital went to Fruit Lake Street to help the disabled

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client May 16th Let the disabled go out of their homes, better integrate into society, feel the sun, and get close to nature, May 13, World Day for the Disabled, Wuhan City The medical staff of East Hospital came to Qingyuzui Sunshine Station and Fangyingtai Sunshine Station on Shuohu Street, Wuchang District, together with the Disabled Persons’ Federation on Shuohu Street and Wuhan Morning Innovation Social Work Service Center, to carry out a series of “Gardening to Help the Disabled, Herbs to Teach Love” series of free clinics to help the disabled Activity.

The event site. Photo by Correspondent Chen Haisheng

Psychiatrists Liu Bing and Gong Jifen opened up two channels on the Qingyuzui Sunshine Station on Guohuohu Street, and provided free clinics, psychological counseling and “Psychiatric Families” to families with mental disabilities. “Nursing”, a lecture on popular science knowledge, so that families with mental disabilities can meet the needs of both medical treatment and nursing care.

Explain the characteristics and functions of mint, lemon and lavender, let everyone smell different herbs, experience the different feelings brought by each herb, and lead everyone to make sachets… Horticultural therapist Hu Luyun passed horticultural therapy The herbs in the package are used to heal mentally rehabilitated patients. Everyone harvested their favorite herbal bag works, and they felt relaxed in the fragrant atmosphere.

The scene of the event. Photo by Correspondent Chen Haisheng

At the Fangyingtai Sunshine Station, the medical staff of Wudong Hospital publicized and popularized mental health knowledge to residents and friends in the area under the jurisdiction of Guoshuohu Sub-district. Everyone’s awareness of mental health care and mental health, eliminate prejudice against mental illness, and call on the society and all walks of life to give more care and love to mentally disabled patients, and give free medicine to the trainees in the station. (Changjiang Daily reporter Mao Yin correspondent Chen Hongyuan Sun Lin)

[Editor: Yu Lina]

【Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net】