Does too much stress really cause “overnight whiteheads”? Here comes the answer →

With age

It is normal to grow gray hair gradually

Some people have gray hair at a young age

What is the reason for this?

Is it related to excessive stress?

Come and master the knowledge points!

How is white hair formed?

Human hair and body hair

both grow from follicles

Melanocytes that determine hair color

Derived from melanocyte stem cells

This stem cell is present in the hair follicles of the scalp

Part of the hair follicles Melanocyte stem cells

differentiate into melanocytes during the growth phase

melanocytes synthesize pigments

add color to regenerated hair

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With age

The total amount of melanocyte stem cells gradually decreases

The hair The color will also gradually lighten

melanocyte stem cells in all hair follicles

completely depleted

hair will turn white

Can excessive stress cause “overnight whiteheads”?

Greying hair due to stress

Related to norepinephrine

Its main source

adrenal and sympathetic nerves

The raised area of ​​scalp hair follicles

Highly innervated by sympathetic nerve cells

Stressed or stressed people

induces the sympathetic nervous system

increases the release of norepinephrine

this hormone responds to stress< /p>

Very active

and drives the body’s response to fight back or escape

At the same time, it also leads to

melanocyte stem cells Excessive response

causing premature depletion of melanocyte stem cells in hair follicles

Due to lack of melanocytes Stem cells

also can’t convert enough melanocytes

can’t color hair

hair starts to lighten or whiten

Although the statement of “white hair overnight” is a bit exaggerated

but too much pressure

does lead to rapid graying of hair

premature hair growth

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These reasons may cause gray hair

In addition to excessive stress

These reasons may also lead to

Young people prematurely grow gray hair

lack of exercise

Reduced physical activity will cause Lead to poor blood circulation

all corners of the scalp can not be effectively supplied with blood

make melanocytes unable to function properly

Irregular living and resting

Irregular living or lack of sleep

It will reduce the secretion of growth hormone

Slow down the blood circulation of the whole body

thereby causing gray hair

unreasonable eating habits

picky eaters, unreasonable eating habits

It will lead to unbalanced nutrient intake

melanocytes at work

insufficient nutrients provided

cannot produce melanin to supply hair

so Easy to gray hair

mental workers who often use their brains

long-term overuse of the brain,

mental stress is too high

Coupled with the combined effect of the above three conditions

and thus prone to premature gray hair

How to control the increase in gray hair?

Adolescents should maintain a good attitude

Avoid excessive sadness and mental tension

Pay attention to a reasonable diet and a balanced diet

Premature whitening Hair

also related to study pressure and anxiety

some teenagers with gray hair

can be improved through nutrition and emotional regulation

In this regard, experts recommend

eat more foods rich in copper, such as animal liver, shellfish,

mushrooms, nuts, apricots, and oats

Good for maintaining black hair

From: CCTV-1 “Life Circle”

Source: CCTV set