Does the Moon Affect Human Physiology and Psychology?

Universal In the minds of the ancients, the moon seems to be a living object, which will grow larger, smaller, or even disappear within a month. The rise and fall of the moon can affect life on earth. It is said that seeds are sown when the moon is full and can grow vigorously, although this has long been regarded as superstition and denied by people. Who knows, the old things are brought up again today. Not long ago, the University of Illinois in the United States announced an interesting result based on measured data: the roundness of the moon is related to the growth of vegetables. During the full moon, potato tuber starch builds up fastest. They believe that this may be related to changes in the magnetic field.

According to a report by the American Medical Association, the absence of the moon could make people sick. During the full moon and quarter moon period, 64% of the 88 patients suffered from angina. Before the earth, sun and moon were in a straight line, 38 people with ulcers had more gastrointestinal bleeding.

Why does this phenomenon occur? Some scientists believe that part of the answer can be derived from changes in gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The interaction between the earth and the moon may affect some physical and psychological behavior of human beings.

In the 1970s, National Ocean Observatory scientist Fergus Jay Wood predicted that two extremely high tides would occur on January 8 and 2, 1974. It appeared on the 7th of the month. At that time, the positions of the earth’s sun and the moon will be in a line, especially on January 8, when the moon and the earth are very close, this rare coincidence between celestial bodies will make the sea water soar.

The change of this specific water level has attracted people’s attention, and the most interested in this is Arnold, Leiber, a psychiatrist in Miami, USA. It turned out that Leber had noticed an increase in local homicides than usual as early as September 1970, when the tide was high. When discussing the relationship between the moon and human behavior, he believed that the roundness of the moon is related to human aggressive behavior, especially in alcoholics and drug addicts.

Leber made this explanation: Similar to the surface of the earth, the water content in the human body reaches 80%, and the moon is to the water in the human body as it is to the ocean on the earth. same impact. In this way, the human body also has biological tides controlled by the moon. When the moon is full, this biological tide is at its “highest” and its influence on human behavior is at its “strongest.”

Lyber, based on past experience, warns Miami’s police department, the press and hospital psychiatric emergency rooms that people’s behavior during the coming mega-tide will produce a general disorder.

It is said that the American Firefighting Association was surprised to find that there were 25 to 30 more fire alarms than usual on the night of the full moon. Reports from psychiatric asylum staff of mentally ill people increase in instability and disorganized behavior during the full moon. Miami saw twice as many murders in the first three weeks of the new year than it did in the first four weeks of the previous year, as well as unusually bizarre cases.

Scientists also discovered an interesting phenomenon from 500,000 birth records of babies. When the birth of women with multiple months is at the end of the month, scientists speculate that this may be due to The moon affects the contractions of the uterus.