Does the fourth injection of the new crown need to be injected? After the fourth injection, what are the precautions?

In the past few days, I believe that what worries and worries most Chinese people is the resurgence of the new coronary pneumonia. Looking at the number of newly diagnosed and asymptomatic infected patients at home and abroad, people are once again I feel a deep fear of the new crown virus, as if this virus is like a dandelion. Wherever the wind blows, it will take root and germinate, and it will explode.

Despite the hard work of the medical staff and medical experts on the front lines, the mutated strain seems to be out of control this time. , brought near-devastating disasters to people in many parts of the world.

And according to researchers, the new coronavirus under this epidemic has mutated many times compared to the new coronavirus discovered in 2019. According to the latest reports, recently, XE, a strain reconstituted from the new coronavirus of Omikron, has been detected in many countries around the world. According to experts, the spread of this strain is faster than that of all previous types of new crowns. The virus spreads faster, and according to the World Health Organization in its latest report, the XE strain may be the most contagious strain to date.

In my country, although most people have been vaccinated with the third dose of the new crown vaccine before, but with the continuous evolution of the new crown pneumonia, coupled with the continuous mutation of the new crown virus, there are relevant news that in my country, it may be The fourth stitch is coming soon, is this true? Although the fourth dose of vaccination is an inevitable trend, because only a positive response to the fourth dose of vaccination may have a certain defensive effect on the mutated new coronavirus, then, after the fourth dose of vaccination, what should people do? Need attention?

I. Is the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine really coming?

According to the latest news, in order to deal with the mutated new crown virus in many foreign countries, the fourth injection of the new crown vaccine has been implemented . According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on April 12, since April 12, Italy has begun to implement the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine for the elderly over 80 years old and people over 60 years old with risk factors.

In addition to Italy, countries around the world have already started the fourth and even fifth doses of the new crown vaccine. Therefore, according to the current development trend, my country may also implement the related matters of the fourth injection of the new crown vaccine in the near future.

Second, precautions after the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine

Once the new crown vaccine fourth Issues related to vaccination have been put on the agenda, so the fourth vaccination of the whole people will become an inevitable trend. At this time, whether it is for their own health or to stabilize the general environment of the epidemic, every citizen should actively get the fourth shot. However, we cannot ignore some precautions after the fourth injection, and we need to pay special attention.

For example: We need to pay special attention to the contraindications for vaccination. For pregnant women, or people with allergies and mental illnesses, they may not be suitable for the new crown vaccine, so the new crown vaccine may not be suitable. The injection of the fourth needle is contraindicated in the crowd, and people should also pay attention to it.

Secondly, just like the first three shots of the new crown vaccine, people can’t drink, take a bath and eat immediately after the fourth shot of the new crown vaccine. Allergy-prone foods, although these precautions seem to be common, many people tend to ignore them. However, in such a severe situation of the epidemic, it is recommended that everyone pay enough attention to these details.