Does the effect of walking sugar control only last for a period of time? Try these 4 hypoglycemic exercises, the effect of increasing long-term blood sugar consumption is more obvious

Many diabetic patients insist on walking and find that the hypoglycemic effect can only be maintained for a period of time after a meal. Before the next meal, before going to bed, or when getting up in the morning, the blood sugar is high again. This is because walking is an aerobic exercise that maintains hypoglycemic effects for a shorter period of time, while increasing muscle strength through resistance exercise can maintain hypoglycemic effects for a longer time.

The sugar absorbed by the human body will be converted into muscle glycogen for storage, and 80%-90% of the sugar in the human body is consumed by skeletal muscle cells in daily activities. When skeletal muscle volume shrinks and its function weakens, it will affect the ability to regulate blood sugar, resulting in hyperglycemia in the body.

In the previously published “Walking blood sugar is not significantly improved? One trick doubles the hypoglycemic effect and takes longer to control sugar.” In the article, some friends of diabetic patients left a message saying they wanted to know the specific exercise steps. Here are 4 ways to build your legs and abs you can do at home.

Leg exercise

Leg muscles make up about 70% of the total skeletal muscle in the human body. Commonly used leg muscle exercises are as follows.

1. Squat Stand with your hands together, your legs shoulder-width apart, keep your knees slightly bent, then squat, your knees do not bend over your toes, keep your back Straighten, after each flexion and extension, pause for 1-2 seconds and repeat the action. Practice 20-30 times each time to enhance the strength and toughness of the quadriceps muscles of the thighs. Those with insufficient strength can squat with their backs against the wall first.

2. Calf Raise Land on the ball of the forefoot, with the heel hanging in the air. Then lift the heel as far as possible to the limit, stay for 1-2 seconds, and slowly lower the heel. This reciprocation can effectively improve the strength and quality of the triceps on the back of the calf.

abs workout

1. Sit up Sit After lying on your back, lift your upper body slowly, close your abdomen, bring your head as close to your knees as possible, then restore and continue, you can fully exercise the upper abdominal skeletal muscles, increase the strength and strength of the upper abdominal skeletal muscles, and protect the internal organs.

2. Aerial pedaling After lying on your back, keep your back close to the ground, put your hands on the side of your head, open your arms, lift your legs, and slowly perform 4. pedaling the bike, In order to fully exercise the lower abdominal skeletal muscles, the mass of the abdominal skeletal muscles can be increased.