Does Melatonin Really Help With Insomnia? If you meet these three categories, you can take melatonin

I can’t sleep during the day and can’t sleep at night.

I wonder how many people are in this mode every day?

When it’s late at night, see who’s staring at the dark circles and counting the sheep again, and at two in the morning there are all kinds of glory in the game.

And with coffee during the day and melatonin at night to help sleep, countless insomniacs are using simple and simple ways to save their sleep.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin in the human body is a natural hormone that is produced by the brain pineal gland and is an amine hormone. This ingredient can regulate the body’s biological clock and has sedative, sleep-promoting and anti-convulsant effects.

If you sleep under strong light at night, such as turning on the lights to sleep, the activity of enzymes that help synthesize melatonin will be affected, and the human body will not be able to secrete melatonin normally, thus making people sleep affected.

If you use your mobile phone for a long time at night, it will also affect the secretion of melatonin, resulting in less and less melatonin.

For people after the age of 35, the secretion of melatonin in the human body will also decrease, and the probability of sleep problems will increase relatively.

Does artificial melatonin really work?

In daily life, the melatonin that many people take is a synthetic melatonin, which is generally used to treat insomnia.

For people with reduced melatonin in the body, taking some melatonin properly can indeed shorten the time to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.

In situations such as shift work or jet lag, the use of melatonin to improve symptoms can help, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect on prolonging sleep.

Melatonin, is it safe?

Whether melatonin is a drug or a dietary supplement, there is currently no definite statement. Most countries regard melatonin as a dietary supplement.

Currently, melatonin is safe to use for at least a few days or weeks, even in high doses.

However, there is insufficient safety data for long-term use for months or years.

At the same time, if it is taken in the wrong way, or if it is taken by people who are contraindicated, it will cause neurological symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness, headache, and >Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin and other issues.

And it will also lead to abnormal constriction of cerebral blood vessels, increase the risk of stroke, and increase the secretion of prolactin, which can easily make women infertile.

Melatonin is not what you want to eat< /p>

Melanin does have a sleep aid effect, so we must take the correct method of taking it. Not all people with insomnia are suitable for taking melatonin. Only people with insomnia who meet the following conditions can take it properly.

Which kinds of insomnia can take melatonin?

First, middle-aged and elderly people with insomnia

For middle-aged and elderly people, the secretion of melatonin in the body will decrease, which makes it easier to have some sleep question. Then such people can take some melatonin appropriately, which can play a role in regulating sleep.

Second, people with disordered biological clocks

For example, people who need to work night shifts, people who stay up late at night, and people who need to avoid jet lag.

The biological clock in these people will be disturbed, so melatonin can also be taken properly before going to bed, which can regulate the biological clock in the human body, and has the effect of promoting sleep and improving sleep quality.

III. REM sleep behavior disorder population

This is a sleep disorder in which violent behavior occurs during sleep. Act accordingly to the dream.

It usually occurs in the elderly, people with excessive mental depression, and people who drink heavily or suffer from cerebrovascular diseases. Such people can take some melatonin appropriately, which can not only adjust sleep, but also adjust nerves.

To relieve insomnia, improving sleep habits is the correct solution p>

All in all, melatonin does play a role in helping you fall asleep, but for poor sleep quality, early awakening, easy to wake up, short sleep time and other problems, in fact, it does not help much, and it can not play a role in the treatment of insomnia.

For many young people, the reason for insomnia is essentially that staying up late disrupts the biological clock. Therefore, in order to solve the difficulty of falling asleep, the most important thing is the old saying—-

Go to bed early tonight!