Does exercising for half an hour a day make you younger or age faster? Why do some people get older when they run?

After entering the spring, the temperature gradually warmed up and the morning sun became brighter. Many runners also started a new round of exercise programs. In order to exercise and delay aging, many people also plan to do exercise at this time. But some people give a different view, they feel that going out to exercise every day may also accelerate aging.

Look at those runners whose faces are yellow and black, and many people have more dark spots and wrinkles because of this. Don’t they get older as they run? In the end, exercising for half an hour a day can make people younger, or accelerate aging? If you don’t know the answer, let’s find out together.

Does exercising for half an hour a day make you look younger?

It is the so-called “life is movement”. When people can always maintain a certain amount of exercise, they can indeed make themselves younger. This youth may manifest in many ways.

For example, the results of a study by the University of London showed that after running for half a year, the blood vessels of those who insisted on running were younger. Daily running exercise can promote blood circulation in the human body, improve the body’s metabolism, and thus enhance cardiopulmonary function, thereby delaying the aging of blood vessels, allowing improving the body’s metabolism. strong>Blood vessels are younger.

In addition, because of exercise, it can also make people feel better. People who are usually under a lot of mental stress can also relax and relieve stress by exercising for half an hour every day. The burden on my heart is lightened, the mood of the whole person will be better, and the complexion will also be improved. People who are always gloomy and sullen look older.

For the body’s bones, muscles, regular exercise can also make them younger. As you age, your joints, bones, and muscles may gradually weaken and lose strength. Being able to exercise for about 30 minutes a day can also improve the loss of calcium from the bones through blood circulation. It is not easy to have problems such as poor muscle strength and osteoporosis, and it can better protect the bones.

In general, exercising can really make people younger and bring many benefits to the body.

Why do some people get older as they run?

However, when looking at people who keep exercising, it is true that some people look older. Their faces are more prone to wrinkles and look older, so what’s going on?

The problem may be related to the mechanism of human aging – oxidative stress.

For the human body, inhaling oxygen can help the body burn fat, sugar, etc., and convert it into energy. But at the same time, it also produces a metabolite called oxidative free radicals. This substance can cause damage to cells and tissues in the body.

In people who insist on running and exercising, more oxidative free radicals may be produced due to excessive consumption of oxygen, burning fat and sugar. If the body is unable to produce antioxidants to fight oxidative free radicals, it may accelerate aging.

Simply put, when a runner performs an exercise intensity beyond his ability, it may lead to a continuous increase in the number of oxidative free radicals in the human body, which is more likely to lead to the aging performance of the human body, showing fatigue. , fatigue, muscle soreness and other discomforts.

Secondly, after oxidative free radicals are generated, if antioxidants are not supplemented to eliminate oxidative free radicals as soon as possible, it may also lead to accelerated aging of the human body, and it will be more prone to aging, wrinkles and other problems.

In order to prevent you from getting older with exercise, it is important to master 3 techniques

First of all Find a exercise intensity that suits you

For adults, half an hour of exercise a day is a good range. In contrast, long-term exercise will not bring about greater energy consumption, and it will not be considered that the exercise time is too short to bring health benefits, which is a relatively moderate range.

The time of this exercise can also be determined according to your physical condition. For example, after exercising, if you feel that your breathing is slightly faster and your body starts to sweat, it means that it is a more appropriate exercise intensity. However, when back pain, muscle rubbing soreness, and poor sleep quality occur, and you do not want to exercise any more, you should consider whether there is a problem of excessive exercise.

The second is exercise timeThe choice should be selected according to the situation

In the spring and summer , the morning and noon sunlight is more dazzling, and the ultraviolet rays are more intense. In this case, it is recommended that people exercise in the afternoon or early morning to reduce skin irritation caused by sunlight. However, in winter, the ultraviolet rays are generally not very strong, so you can choose your favorite time to exercise first.

The last point is preparing for exercise

Before exercising, you should do a good warm-up exercise, and add some energy appropriately, avoid exercising problems such as low blood sugar. After exercising, the body consumes a lot, so it is necessary to replenish water, vitamins and other nutrients in time. By supplementing a certain amount of vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants to fight against the oxidative free radicals generated during exercise, it is also good for delaying aging.

In general, insisting on exercising for about half an hour every day can really make people look younger, and bring people from the inside out. come healthy. But some people do get older because they don’t pay attention to details. If you can do these 3 piecesmay benefit the body.


1. Chen Hui, Jian Wenyang. Excessive “running” is as deadly as sedentary? [J]. Family Science, 2015(5):1.< /p>

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