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Testosterone, unless you go to the hospital for related examinations for physical reasons, is hardly mentioned in daily life. However, if it is in the fitness circle, testosterone is a word that is often mentioned, and even pays special attention, because Testosterone levels will affect their muscle gain or fat loss effect. At this time, if you are curious about the relationship between testosterone and fitness and search for related content, you will find that the effect of testosterone is not only on the muscles. The impact on the above, its significance for health is more important.

So what are the benefits of testosterone? If you are faced with the confusion of low testosterone levels, how can you scientifically stimulate testosterone in a natural way?

First: The role of testosterone

For the role of testosterone, different groups of people will pay attention to different angles. , the focus is on its impact on health, while for fitness people, it is more concerned about its impact on muscle gain or fat loss, so the significance of increasing testosterone levels should also consider these two aspects.

1. Effects of testosterone on health

Normal testosterone levels are beneficial for heart health, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of cancer. Risks, improve symptoms associated with aging, regulate emotions to maintain a good mental state, keep us energized, and more. These benefits have nothing to do with fitness or gender.

2. The effect of testosterone on fitness people

For fitness people, they are more concerned about It is the efficiency of muscle growth and the reduction and maintenance of body fat rate, because a certain level of testosterone is more conducive to muscle synthesis, which makes it easier to gain muscle, and can also regulate fat metabolism, which is more conducive to fat loss or It is the maintenance of body fat percentage. That is to say, an important reason why fitness people pay attention to testosterone is the effect of testosterone on the body.

Of course, it is very important to maintain a normal testosterone level no matter what the purpose is, so how to increase testosterone level? Let’s talk about this topic next.

Second: How to increase testosterone levels?

The first thing to say is that promoting testosterone is not to make the testosterone level as high as possible, but to make it within an ideal range. For men, testosterone levels will decline with age, so a considerable number of middle-aged and older men have low testosterone levels. Not only that, but the decline in testosterone levels is also affecting Young people, so how to improve low testosterone levels is not just for the fitness crowd.

So, how to increase testosterone level? When we talk about how to promote testosterone, everyone can think of leg training or doing a few related training exercises. Although it cannot be said that these methods are useless, at least this method is not complete. If you want to increase testosterone What the level has to do is to have a global view, rather than simply solve problems from a certain perspective.

So, here are a few ways to improve low testosterone levels, and, for people with normal testosterone levels, these methods can keep people in good health .

1. Fat loss

Testosterone level and body fat percentage are mutually influencing, A higher level of testosterone is conducive to the reduction of body fat rate. In turn, a high body fat rate will affect testosterone levels. Excessive body fat rate will increase estrogen levels and reduce testosterone levels. Therefore, if your body fat rate Too high, fat loss is a simple and effective way to increase testosterone levels.

However, even so, it does not mean that you can take extreme methods to achieve the goal of losing fat, because although these methods will make you thin, at the same time, poor diet and exercise Habits can also lead to a drop in testosterone levels, such as dieting, excessive exercise itself is not conducive to the stability of testosterone levels, and such practices can also cause cortisol levels to rise, which further affects testosterone levels.

Therefore, in the process of fat loss, the overall calorie intake should be controlled under the premise of nutritionally balanced diet, moderate exercise instead of a lot of exercise, regular work and rest, and a good mood.

2. Insist on strength training

Speaking of strength training to promote testosterone, what we I might think of leg training, but it’s not. Leg training is just one type of strength training. Studies have shown that people who can persist in exercising usually have relatively high testosterone levels. Strength training does not only include leg training. Persistent strength training can increase resting testosterone levels.

Therefore, in order to improve testosterone levels, first of all, avoid sedentary habits, let yourself move, and do strength training more than 3 times a week. In order to make strength training more efficient, in your training The plan should be based on compound movements.

Of course, although persistent exercise or strength training can improve testosterone levels, it does not mean that the more you practice, the better.During this process, it is also necessary to avoid excessive exercise. The side effects of excessive exercise will not only lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, but also adversely affect the health of the whole person.

3. On the basis of a balanced diet, attach importance to the supplementation of trace elements

Balanced diet It is the premise of maintaining health, and a balanced diet is equally important for the stability of testosterone levels, so even if you are in the process of losing fat, you cannot put your body on a diet. At the same time, pay attention to the supplementation of certain trace elements, such as zinc (oysters, animal liver, peanuts, fish, eggs, milk, meat), magnesium (seaweed, grains, beans, dark green vegetables, bananas), vitamin D (basking in the sun).

However, it needs to be said that when the body lacks these trace elements, an appropriate amount of supplementation will play a positive role in promoting testosterone, but if the body does not lack these trace elements, then supplement these Trace elements are of little significance.

In addition, in addition to supplementing the relevant trace elements that are lacking in the body, it is also necessary to pay attention to dietary fat, especially those who are in the period of fat loss, because low-fat diet is likely to be the The means adopted in the process of fat loss, in the process of fat loss, you need to know that the real reason for the failure of fat loss or making you gain weight is not fat, but the overall calorie intake. For testosterone stimulation, if the fat intake is too low, it will affect the secretion of testosterone. Of course, this does not mean to increase the proportion of fat intake, but to keep the fat intake within a reasonable range. In general, the recommended fat intake is about 20% of the total calorie intake, with a minimum of 15%.

4. Reducing stress levels

Stress often happens invisible, not even by the I feel it myself, but stress will not only affect the health of the entire body, but also lead to an imbalance in hormone levels. When the stress is too high, it will lead to continuous high cortisol levels and lower testosterone levels, so in daily life , reduce stress levels as much as possible, learn to enjoy life, do what you like, and learn to evacuate bad emotions, which are very important for the regulation of hormone levels and health.

5. Pay attention to sleep

Similar to stress, sleep affects health and hormone levels It also cannot be ignored. From the perspective of the impact on testosterone levels, lack of sleep has a very large impact on testosterone levels. Studies have shown that the average testosterone level of people who sleep 4 hours a night is compared with people who sleep 8 hours. The value is 60% less, from this data point of view, the effect of sleep on testosterone levels is very considerable.

Therefore, for the sake of the health of the body and the stability of hormone levels, the daily sleep time should be guaranteed to be 7-9 hours. Of course, for people who have difficulty sleeping, if the situation is serious, they should listen to them. Follow your doctor’s advice.


The significance of promoting testosterone is to make the testosterone level reach a relatively ideal range , instead of making it as high as possible, the choice of method is first based on good living habits, and then through the adjustment of some controllable factors to achieve the goal, so the choice of method should be a natural means, not a certain a specific method.