Doctor Zhang Yu was expelled from the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University

This afternoon, @MedicalOncology Dr. Zhang Yu posted on his personal Weibo, saying that he was expelled from Peking University Third Hospital.

Previously, Zhang Yu’s personal Weibo authentication information was: Attending Physician of the Department of Oncology Chemotherapy and Radiology, Peking University Third Hospital. “The hospital said that I violated professional ethics and social morality, affected the reputation of the hospital, fired me, and even refused to give me a chance to defend myself. No matter how much I begged, it was of no avail.”

Photo source: @Medical Oncology Dr. Zhang Yu Weibo

In April last year, doctor Zhang Yu published an article exposing that Lu Wei, a general surgeon from a well-known tertiary hospital in Shanghai, had “deliberately deceived” in the process of treating gastric cancer patient Ma Jincang, which resulted in the patient’s survival. The cycle was significantly shortened, and the family members spent more than 10 times the cost of conventional treatment, not only spent all their savings, but also owed more than 100,000 yuan in debt.

On May 24, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission imposed a “warning, a fine of RMB 30,000, and suspension of practice for 6 months” on Lu Wei. medical records, and failing to fulfill the obligation of notification in the process of providing medical and health services.”

After the real-name questioning incident, Zhang Yu has been working in the inpatient department of the hospital and has not returned to the outpatient clinic. During this period, Zhang Yu posted articles on his personal Weibo on topics such as “Liaocheng Fake Medicine Gate” and “Theory of Minimal Changes in Human Body”, which caused controversy.

Planning: gyouza

The source of the title map: Zhang Yu’s personal Weibo