[Doctor said] Dezhou Second People’s Hospital: Can infusion flush blood vessels?

Chi Zhigang, Chief Physician, Chief Physician, Department of Cardiology, Dezhou Second People’s Hospital< /p>

When the seasons change, the temperature is unstable, which can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There is also a saying that “infusion flushes blood vessels”. It is rumored that regular infusions every year can flush out toxins and garbage in blood vessels and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. But do such precautions really work? To this end, Dazhong.com and poster reporters invited Qi Zhigang, director and chief physician of the Cardiology Department of the Second People’s Hospital of Dezhou City, to explain to everyone whether the infusion can flush the blood vessels.

“Infusion into blood vessels neither protects the heart nor the brain, nor can it prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and may also increase various risks.” Qi Zhigang introduced that there is no so-called garbage in the blood vessels. Toxins, some of which are just metabolic wastes, are transported to specific organs in the blood and eventually excreted. For example, the thrombus that causes cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is not flowing, it is a small bulge that grows on the inner wall of the blood vessel. Most of the drugs infused by “flushing blood vessels” are for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, which can temporarily dilate blood vessels, but the drugs are quickly metabolized after the infusion, and will not produce long-term effects. Some patients feel better after the infusion, which is probably just a kind of psychological comfort.

Qi Zhigang reminded that blind infusion has many hazards, especially for the elderly with chronic diseases. Too much infusion and too fast can induce heart failure, increase the burden on the kidneys and heart, and the disinfection is not in place and the operation is inappropriate. Also prone to infusion reactions, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. The correct way to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be scientific and reasonable medical treatment, correct medication, control of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, quit smoking and drinking, proper exercise, drinking more water, low-salt and low-fat diet, and do not believe in folk remedies, etc. rumor. (Sun Xinai and Zhang Yuehua)