Do you need to fast for a breath test for Helicobacter pylori?


The fasting time varies somewhat depending on the instrument. Generally at least 1 hour of fasting is required, and some devices require fasting of water for 4 hours. If you are not sure before going for the examination, try to meet these two fasting requirements.

The reason why it is recommended to do a breath test on an empty stomach is related to the principle of the test.

The detection of Helicobacter pylori by breath test requires oral administration of urea containing carbon 13 or carbon 14 isotopes.

Urea reacts with the urease enzyme produced by Helicobacter pylori in the stomach to produce carbon 13 and carbon 14 labeled carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the body and exhaled through the lungs. At this time, the carbon element exhaled in the lungs is detected. If there is carbon dioxide labeled with carbon 13 and carbon 14, it indicates that there is Helicobacter pylori infection in the body. .

Image source: Tu Wo Creative

Urea capsules taken on an empty stomach can react well with the urease produced by Helicobacter pylori, can more accurately reflect The presence or absence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach.

If you check after eating, it is easy to cause urea to not react with urease sufficiently due to food factors, which will affect the test results.


Dr. Clove Health Encyclopedia Team

Review Specialist

Geng Wei, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Gastroenterology


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