Do you know the benefits of spring cover?

China Weather Network News When spring comes, give up “temperature” for “demeanor”, change into light clothes early, and be careful of illness! In spring, due to the large temperature changes, if you take off the winter cotton coat too early, it will increase the risk of colds, allergies, arthritis, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you want to spend the spring healthy, “spring cover” is an essential part.

Being healthy in spring is essential for “spring cover”

Spring is coming, and people are anxious to take off their bloated winter clothes and put on beautiful spring clothes. But don’t forget one sentence: spring covers autumn and freezes. Why do you want to cover up? There is a lot of attention to this when changing seasons.

Regulate the constant temperature of the human body: no matter how the seasons change, the human body temperature is always maintained at around 37 ℃. This constant temperature of the human body is regulated by vasoconstriction and skin sweating, and is maintained by adding or removing clothes. If you lose your clothes too early in the spring, it will destroy the body’s constant temperature regulation and affect your health.

“Spring cover” is good for resisting wind and cold: the human body, like nature, also begins to recover in the spring, which activates the “hibernating” skin cells and opens the pores. At this time, if the cold wind hits, people may feel very cold, and “spring cover” can just resist the coldness of spring.

It is beneficial to adapt to seasonal changes: in early spring, there are often cold waves and strong cold air moving south, resulting in a sharp drop in temperature. In this case, if you take off your thick clothes too early, it will be difficult to adapt to the changes in temperature and heat and induce diseases.

Four standards for spring cover at first warmer than colder

Spring cover is not about wearing thick clothes all the time, but about grasping the temperature and timing. Please accept the following four standards for spring cover.

Temperature 15°C: It is now generally believed that the daily average temperature of 15°C can be called the “critical temperature” of spring cover. That is to say, when the average daily temperature continues to be above 15°C and is relatively stable, it is not necessary to cover.

Temperature difference of 8°C: The temperature difference between day and night is greater than 8°C, which is a signal of “covering”. In spring, it is warm and cold. In the face of the ever-changing spring, the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 8°C is a signal of “covering”.

24 to 48 hours: Plan ahead 24 to 48 hours before the arrival of cold air. The peak incidence of many diseases is closely related to the duration of cooling, the most obvious being a cold. Therefore, the best time to “cover” is 24 to 48 hours before the arrival of cold air.

7 to 14 days: Experts found that even after the temperature rises, frail children and the elderly will have to cover for about 7 days before they can adapt. Losing clothes too quickly may make them cold and sick.

Source: China Weather Network