Do you know the 10 misunderstandings of high blood pressure? It is very important to take the 10 steps of prevention!

Hypertension is the chronic disease with the largest number of patients in my country, with more than 270 million people, and it is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular death in urban and rural residents. Hypertension is preventable and controllable, but the awareness rate, treatment rate, and control rate of hypertension are still low.

Top Ten Myths and Facts about Hypertension

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Prevention of high blood pressure is important!

A bag of milk is good for you< /p>

The rich minerals contained in fresh milk are essential nutrients for maintaining human body functions and preventing diseases. Fresh milk also has a certain effect of lowering lipids and reducing blood viscosity. The potassium and other substances it contains It also helps prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Size Smooth stool is a reflection of the normal digestive and excretion functions of the human body. Most of the elderly suffer from constipation, frequent urination, and poor urination. It is recommended that everyone develop the habit of regular and regular bowel movements, and avoid excessive force-holding when using the toilet. Active medication treatment under the guidance of a specialist.

Four-body exercise to control body weight

It is recommended to choose a scientific exercise method suitable for your age and physical condition (common ones such as brisk walking, Tai Chi, etc. Boxing, etc.), adhere to moderate physical exercise (30-60 minutes per week, 30-60 minutes each time, reaching 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week), combined with diet control, help maintain a normal weight (BMI at 18.5 -23.9), eliminating risk factors for hypertension.

Five-colored fruits and vegetables uninterrupted

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are rich in blood stimulating The active ingredient of fibrinolytic protein helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, and its high cellulose can also inhibit the absorption of lipids.

According to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, it is recommended that adults consume 300-500g of fresh vegetables and 200-350g of fruits per day.

Six grams of salt does not exceed

Sodium in the human body absorbs a lot of water, and the intake of salt is too much , the water in the human body will accumulate in the blood vessels, thereby increasing the burden on the heart and blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure.

It is recommended to use a salt control spoon to control the daily salt intake to less than 6 grams, which can not only ensure the human body’s need for sodium, but also help reduce cardiovascular disease. burden.

Don’t lose control of the seven emotions

Mood fluctuations play a role in the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension have a great influence. Faced with a large number of tedious and sudden events in life, we need to maintain a good balance of psychological responses and avoid violent emotional fluctuations (such as anger, depression, anxiety, etc.) as much as possible, which is not only conducive to physical and mental health, but also conducive to recovery from illness.

Happy Friendships

The elderly should learn to adjust their emotions. They can make more friends to relieve loneliness by participating in various activities for the elderly, so that they can not only have the opportunity to talk about the “ups and downs” in life, but also share their feelings with old friends. joy.

Nine (wine) drink less cigarettes and do not smoke

Excessive drinking It can induce or exacerbate arteriosclerosis. Those who like to drink should control the intake of alcohol every day, try to avoid frequent or heavy drinking, and drink less or no high alcohol (white wine, etc.).

Smoking can increase systolic blood pressure, and can induce myocardial infarction and stroke. It is recommended that those who have the habit of smoking try to quit smoking.

Very relaxed and not upset

Have a correct understanding of hypertension and its complications, That is, be careful but not worried. Keep a relaxed and peaceful mind and adhere to a scientific and reasonable lifestyle. Through the above ten efforts, high blood pressure is completely preventable and controllable.

Hypertension may seem common, but in severe cases it can be life-threatening. I hope everyone can do the above “ten steps”, start from the details of daily life, and stay away from the risk of high blood pressure!

Source: People’s Health Network

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