Do you have any questions about nucleic acid testing in the Nanchang Startup Region? These 4 hot questions and answers will answer your questions News Client News reporter Li Yunhui, Trainee reporter Qiu Shasha reported: On March 17, Nanchang City reported the situation of nucleic acid testing and epidemic-related protection for all employees in Nanchang City. The nucleic acid detection work in the central urban area will be started at 5 pm today.

In response to some questions from netizens about the regional nucleic acid detection work, the reporter interviewed the relevant staff of the Nanchang Municipal Health and Health Commission on the spot to answer relevant questions.

Question 1: What is regional nucleic acid detection?

Relevant staff of the Nanchang Municipal Health Commission said that regional nucleic acid testing is an important means of preventing and controlling the infection of the new coronavirus. At present, the mainstream mutant Omicron strain in the world has the characteristics of strong transmission, long hidden transmission time, and difficulty in tracing the source of the epidemic. Carrying out regional nucleic acid testing in the place of occurrence is one of the most important means to quickly discover virus-infected persons, effectively cut off transmission routes, and prevent the spread of the epidemic. It is also a key measure to implement “early detection, early isolation, early diagnosis, and early treatment”.

At present, regional nucleic acid testing in the city takes the county (district) as the unit, and organizes and coordinates the establishment of nucleic acid testing sampling points in the county (district), and the relevant material reserves are in place. Counties (districts) will orderly mobilize citizens to carry out regional nucleic acid testing.

Question 2: What measures has Nanchang City taken to trace the origin of the flow?

Epidemiological investigation is a key prevention and control work for tracing the source of the epidemic, blocking the spread of the virus and protecting public health. It is the obligation of every citizen to cooperate with the work of epidemiological investigation, and it is also the duty of every citizen. legal responsibilities that should be fulfilled.

After genome sequencing, this outbreak is an evolutionary branch of Omicron BA.2, which spreads faster and is more concealed. It is difficult to prevent and control the epidemic. A special class to trace the source and run it in a physical way, focus on the tracking of infected people and their close contacts, identify risk groups and risk places, quickly carry out sampling and testing, and conduct investigation and control at the same time.

Question 3: How should the public cooperate to do a good job in the flow adjustment after receiving the notice of flow adjustment?

Citizens and friends should answer the inquiries of the investigators in detail, truthfully and accurately if they come to your home to investigate or receive a telephone inquiry from the investigators, and do not conceal , and don’t panic, please actively cooperate with the flow adjustment work, provide real and detailed information to the flow adjustment personnel, so that the possible infected persons and risk points can be investigated and controlled as soon as possible.

Anyone who conceals the itinerary and illness will have an extremely adverse impact on the prevention and control of the epidemic, and those who have serious consequences will violate the law and be severely punished.

Question 4: During the regional nucleic acid test, how can I seek medical treatment in an emergency?

The epidemic prevention and control headquarters of each county (district) will publicize the consultation methods of medical services, information of nearby medical institutions, and precautions for medical treatment through the Internet, media, bulletin boards and other publicity platforms. , to distribute medical service notices to residents to ease the anxiety of the masses and facilitate the masses to see a doctor.

Register information on key populations including renal failure (hemodialysis), tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy, pregnant women, newborns, patients with chronic diseases, and other patients who need to maintain regular treatment, and report to the county (district) level. ) and the medical treatment team of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters.

If it is really necessary to go out for medical treatment urgently, the county (district) epidemic prevention and control headquarters will arrange a special car to provide “point-to-point” pick-up service and strictly implement closed-loop management.