Do you eat staple food to lose weight? Recommend 4 high-quality staple foods, eating right can make weight loss more effective

To lose weight, can I eat rice? What staple food is better?

I believe that this is a question that many fat loss and fitness people want to know.

But all friends who love fitness and lose weight successfully at the same time will have one thing in common: they will eat the staple food, and they will eat it.

Abstaining from staple food brings a problem – unhappiness

Foreign studies have found that compared with a low-fat and low-fat diet, it is often difficult for people to stick to it for a long time by not eating starchy staple foods or sugary fruits at all.

If high-protein and high-fat foods are used for a long time, instead of staple food to satisfy hunger, it will easily lead to electrolyte imbalance, fatigue, arrhythmia, gout, osteoporosis and other phenomena .

Don’t eat staple food, don’t eat meat, just eat some vegetables, will inevitably lead to protein, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, nutritional imbalance.

Therefore, as the three major nutrients of the human body – fat, carbohydrate and protein, all three are indispensable, and even the staple food needs to be increased in order to promote fat decomposition and improve fat loss effectiveness.

It’s easy to get hungry if you eat less of the staple food, what should you do?

This starts with the selection of ingredients.

You should know that the glycemic index of different staple foods is different, which leads to different blood sugar responses of the human body after ingestion.

For example, if you eat the same amount of starch and the same calories, if you replace the staple food with beans, whole grains or potatoes, the effect will be completely different.

Studies have shown that using starchy beans instead of some refined white pasta can greatly improve satiety and make people less hungry. For example, with a bowl of white porridge, you may be hungry after 2 hours, but if you replace it with a large bowl of porridge made with red beans and oatmeal, you will not be hungry for 4 hours.

And from nutritional analysis alone, beans and whole grains are rich in vitamin B1, B2, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients.

These staples are recommended:

The main food of Tibetans—highland barley

Highland barley is the main food of the Tibetan people in my country. There are white barley, black barley, flower barley, purple barley, etc., which are grown in Northwest China, North China, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and other places, and a few southwest barley There are also regional provinces.

Highland barley has relatively high nutritional content, dietary fiber content is several times that of wheat, and has the characteristics of low fat and sugar, and Vitamins, amino acids and various trace elements are complete, and it is very suitable as a staple food during weight loss.

However, it should be noted that highland barley cannot be eaten in large quantities, and it is best to combine it with other foods as a staple food.

Has the reputation of “anti-inflammatory food”—-buckwheat

Buckwheat contains a substance called brass, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so buckwheat has the reputation of “anti-inflammatory food”.

In addition, the dietary fiber content of buckwheat is much higher than that of refined rice, and various trace elements are also richer than other grains. Although the calorie is higher, it has a strong sense of satiety. It is also suitable for weight loss. The staple food has the effect of assisting weight loss.

However, it should be noted that buckwheat is not suitable for continuous consumption, and it is easy to cause indigestion; it is not recommended to use buckwheat as a staple food for dieters with weak digestive function itself.

The food that improves the food of the nation—Corn

In comparison, corn is much more accessible to the people, and the growing conditions and seasons of corn are not so harsh.

But the only disadvantage is that corn lacks two essential amino acids, tryptophan and lysine. Corn may cause problems such as “pellagra, pellagra”, so it’s okay to eat it occasionally, but it’s best to avoid long-term, single consumption.

Sweet potato, the “famine” food that saves countless Chinese people

Compared with white rice and noodles, sweet potatoes are much richer in dietary fiber, larger in size, and have a strong sense of satiety. The most important thing is that they are cheap and sweet.

As an era of insufficient food at that time, sweet potatoes were drought-resistant and drought-resistant, which solved the problem of food and clothing for countless Chinese people.

Only only downside–might be much easier to eat, especially with roasted sweet potatoes.

Therefore, during the weight loss period, it is enough to eat a fist-sized meal, and once a day is suitable.

In addition to proper exercise, it is also necessary to focus on diet control.

For example, reduce the intake of staple foods, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, eat less and more meals, etc. Only in this way can the combination of exercise and diet regulation, combined with a regular life rhythm, can maximize the Efficient and healthy weight loss without rebound.

In addition, during weight loss, it is best to adhere to the eat breakfast, full lunch, and small dinner diet.

At night, try to arrange the meal time before seven o’clock, which is more conducive to the digestion of food, and can avoid the accumulation of fat at night, so as not to affect the weight loss effect.