Do women need to wipe with a tissue after urinating? Do not use paper towels in public toilets

Under normal circumstances, the frequency of urinating 4~8 times a day can maintain the acid-base balance and water and electrolytes, and discharge the waste toxins in the body in time, especially those with degeneration and degeneration. protein.

Many women pay more attention to cleanliness and hygiene. After urinating, they wipe with toilet paper, which can indeed make their private parts cleaner. , But many women are skeptical, thinking that if they often wipe with paper, will there be inflammation, and how should they wipe after urinating?

Should women wipe with a tissue after urinating?

Women’s physiological structure is special, and urine is easy to remain after urination. Bacteria multiply, and there are many folds on the local skin of women. If it is not cleaned properly, the bacteria will hide in the folds, resulting in urinary tract infections, gynecological diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease and other diseases, so you need to wipe it with a tissue immediately after urination.

Don’t underestimate this hygiene habit, it can also bring three aspects to women’s health. A benefit

1. Prevent bacterial invasion

< span>Usually there is no bacteria in the urine, but there will be bacteria left in the urethra. If you do not wipe with paper after urinating, the residual urine will breed a lot of bacteria in the underwear. Wiping with urine can prevent the growth of bacteria and prevent gynecological diseases and pelvic cavity. inflammation occurs.

2. Prevention of urinary tract infection

After urination is completed, there will still be some urine that will not be discharged, and the residual urine will inevitably remain on the underwear. Wiping it with a tissue can prevent the underwear from soaking, prevent urinary tract infection, and reduce the risk of urinary system. The problem.

3. Prevent odors

The urine itself emits a weak smell, and over time it emits an ammonia smell. The urine is not dried in time, and the residual urine adheres to the underwear and is mixed with the leucorrhea, which is not only unpleasant. smell, and it will turn the panties yellow.

What should women pay attention to when urinating?

  • No outside toilet paper
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    The quality of public health paper is very poor, and there are many bacteria. The toilet paper everyone uses must ensure the quality of the toilet paper to prevent infection. In addition, don’t force Just rub, just press a few times. Do not wipe with wet wipes

    paper towels contain A lot of added substances will affect women’s health, and wet wipes will still cause moisture problems. In addition, women must carry toilet paper with them, and do not put toilet paper directly in their pockets, which are easy to be rubbed with keys and money. Bacteria, put toilet paper in your trouser pocket for several days, be sure not to wipe your private parts.

    • Pay attention to hygiene quality< /li>

    Don’t be greedy for cheap, buy rough and inferior paper towels, such paper towels will damage the skin when wiping the private parts, To cause bacterial infection, you must choose toilet paper produced by regular manufacturers to ensure the quality of the toilet paper and whether it has a sealed package. You can also check whether there is a national safety certification mark on the package. You must bring paper towels when you go out, and do not use public toilets. There is a large flow of people in public toilets, and safety cannot be guaranteed.

    • Pay attention to the direction of the wipe

    The direction of urination is very important. On the contrary, it will cause more bacteria to grow. If you move from the back to the front, it will bring the dirty things to the private place, so everyone needs to pay attention to the direction of wiping, otherwise, the effect will be counterproductive.

    How to care for female private parts?

    It is very important to take good care of the private parts in life. It is necessary to pay attention to private hygiene and prevent gynecological diseases.

    1. Don’t hold back

    Women need to get rid of the habit of holding back urine in their daily life. If they have the urge to urinate, they must go to the toilet as soon as possible, drink more water, and urinate more, which can make the body’s waste toxins metabolize faster and prevent urine road infection.

    2. Clean private parts every day

    Women need to pay attention to the use of water to wash their private parts, but do not use any lotion, which will increase gynecological diseases.

    3. Choose the right underwear

    When choosing underwear, don’t buy underwear that is too tight, you need to choose a looser one, it is best to choose pure cotton material, which has excellent breathability, do not choose underwear made of chemical fiber, it will make privacy The skin at the site is irritated, causing discomfort.