Do this before you go to work!

This article is about 1800 words and takes about 4 minutes to read

Friends, how was your May Day holiday?

Going to work tomorrow, the weather is hot, and many people have a lot of food at home. Today, let’s talk about how to control cockroaches.

Too long to read

As soon as you find cockroaches in your home, you must act quickly.

Four steps to prevent cockroaches: plug all crevices in the home, clean up kitchen waste immediately, clean dead corners in the home regularly, and use “contagious” cockroach medicine to apply cockroach-prone spots.

Cockroach prevention, now!

A common saying that everyone sees is that if you see a cockroach in your home, there are at least 1,000 hidden in the dark.

This statement makes a lot of sense.

First of all, cockroaches like to live together and release pheromones to attract others. Cockroaches that live in groups usually soothe each other, and in the absence of food, they can also eat each other’s feces and corpses to survive.

Also, as temperatures warm up, cockroaches will begin to mate. The common cockroach species, the German cockroach, can lay eggs when it is 2 months old. It can lay about 4 to 8 oocysts in a life span of more than one year, and each oocyst contains about 30 to 48 eggs.

That is to say, if there is one cockroach waiting to give birth in your home, there may be dozens or even hundreds of its offspring in your home soon, and two months later, These offspring will also start laying eggs, in less than 4 months, reaching the order of 1000 with ease.

If you’re already feeling tingling in your scalp, it’s time to get your hands dirty — get rid of this expectant cockroach now.

Four Steps to Prevent Roaches

The cockroaches, which love to gather, survive and reproduce wildly, have brought passion and new experiences to many friends.

But as one of the four pests, cockroaches can spread a variety of germs and diseases, and even burrow directly into people’s ears to cause damage.

Either cockroaches are necessary for both hygiene and health reasons.

But be careful, try not to pat cockroaches with slippers, you may just happen to pat the eggs of a female cockroach all over the place.

If you don’t have time to think that you have already started, remember to clean the soles and floors with disinfectant after shooting.

A safe bet is to cover the cockroaches with a container and then spray the inside with insecticidal spray. But be careful to avoid excessive inhalation when using it, especially if you have young children at home.

If you are more daring, you can pinch it with a paper ball and burn it.

However, waiting for cockroaches to appear and then eliminating them is still a temporary solution. If you want to eliminate cockroaches from the root cause, you can refer to the following 4 steps.

No entry for cockroaches

Block all the gaps in the pipes that communicate with the outside, such as sewers, air-conditioning pipes, gas pipes, water pipes, etc., as long as the pipes are connected to each other. There is a little gap, and cockroaches may crawl in.

Breakage and gaps in the walls of the home should also be sealed.

You can search on various e-commerce platforms with keywords such as “cockroach sewers”, “hole blocking artifacts”, and there are still quite a few related products.

Do not leave food for cockroaches

Kitchen waste, food scraps, and all types of packaging should be promptly sealed and thrown away.

Cockroaches have tenacious vitality and can live for a long time even if they don’t eat or drink.

So food scraps, dirty dishes, and accidentally left grease should be cleaned up in time.

Clean regularly without leaving dead spots

It is very important to maintain a clean and tidy home hygiene environment, especially pay attention to clean and hygienic dead corners, such as under the sink in the kitchen, the corners of the shoe cabinet, the storage cabinet in the bathroom, and the refrigerator There are also various electrical appliances on the side against the wall with the washing machine.

Cockroaches especially like to live in these dark, damp, warm places.

You can refer to the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s cockroach-killing drug delivery point diagram. These are places where cockroaches like to live and haunt, but we usually ignore them when cleaning.

Image source: Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Use cockroach medicine

Compared to other methods of extermination, using cockroach medicine is actually less labor-intensive and more effective.

Choose a medicine with “infectious”, which makes it easier to kill cockroaches in the house. After taking this medicine, cockroaches will not die immediately, but Died in the nest with poison. Those of the same kind who eat this poisonous corpse will also die of poisoning, making it easier to catch them all in one go.

Be careful, however, keep the medicine out of the reach of children and pets.

How do you clean the corners of your home? What’s the best way to prevent cockroaches?

Edit: Wan Wan

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