Do not want high proteinuria to accelerate renal failure, kidney friends should remember the principle of “2 eat 2 not eat”

Proteinuria is a typical symptom in the early stage of kidney disease. Most kidney patients cannot “escape this catastrophe” and will be “entangled” by proteinuria, and even have to deal with proteinuria for life. struggle.

There are two reasons for this:

First, proteinuria is an inevitable product of impaired renal function, as long as If renal function is not completely restored, proteinuria may always exist. Unfortunately, renal function damage cannot be reversed, so complete recovery of protein is difficult.

Second, chronic kidney disease itself is difficult to cure. The renal function of patients with stage 1 and 2 kidney disease has not been damaged. At this time, active treatment of proteinuria can recover and the disease can be treated. . Once renal insufficiency occurs and substantial damage occurs, it is difficult to cure, so it is also difficult to treat according to various symptoms of renal disease.

The proteinuria cannot be recovered, and I can only wait for kidney failure? wrong!

At present, the anti-inflammatory and protein-reducing method of hormones combined with immunosuppressive drugs has a good effect in the treatment of proteinuria. In addition, there are some other drugs such as antihypertensive drug Prily It has also been studied that the drugs such as steroids, sartans, and lipid-lowering drugs, such as statins, have the effect of reducing protein. As long as the treatment of proteinuria is insisted on, it can generally be reduced to less than 1g. Kidney friends should not underestimate this number. This number means that even if proteinuria exists, it will not cause harm to renal function. Therefore, most patients with proteinuria should keep it below 1g.

Protein reduction is not a problem, the difficulty is maintaining stability!

This is also a problem encountered by many kidney patients. Although they insist on taking it, the proteinuria is still easy to rebound. What is going on? Most of the relapses of kidney patients are related to some daily bad behavior habits, of which eating habits are the main reason. The diet of proteinuria patients should remember the principle of “2 eat and 2 not eat”. Have you really done it after reflection?

Insist on eating foods containing high-quality protein

Patients with massive proteinuria usually also have hypoproteinemia, which is a To avoid malnutrition, resulting in decreased immunity and aggravation of the disease, it is recommended that kidney friends can consume an appropriate amount of food containing high-quality protein every day to ensure the balance of protein in the body. Commonly eaten foods such as meat, eggs, soy products, milk and so on.

But avoid eating too much to aggravate proteinuria, and also need to control the amount. For patients with a large amount of proteinuria, the protein intake per person per kilogram of body weight per day is generally 0.8-1g It is advisable that patients with hypoalbuminemia can be appropriately adjusted to 1.2g-1.5g. Under normal circumstances, intake of 1g-1.2g is sufficient.

Insist on eating foods rich in dietary fiber

With the improvement of living standards, many people can eat staple food More and more refined, more meat intake, which leads to the intake of dietary fiber is far from enough. An unbalanced diet is also a major cause of kidney disease. Studies have shown that high dietary fiber intake can reduce inflammation and reduce mortality from chronic kidney disease. Foods rich in dietary fiber include cereals, potatoes, beans, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, it is recommended for kidney friends to pay attention to the diet structure, mix the thickness of the staple food, match the meat and vegetables, eat more fruits and nuts to absorb more other nutritional values, instead of the big fish every day big meat.

Do not eat foods high in salt

“Heavy taste” diet is also a common problem of modern people, regardless of whether Any kind of food is more salty. Studies have shown that consuming too much salt not only increases the incidence of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease, but also increases the risk of cancer.

For patients with kidney disease, ingesting too much salt will increase the metabolic burden, and if it cannot be metabolized out of the body and accumulated in the body in time, it will cause damage to the kidney function and damage the kidney filtration function. , resulting in protein leakage. In addition, too much salt intake will also affect the efficacy of some protein-lowering drugs and antihypertensive drugs, and is not conducive to the recovery of proteinuria.

Do not eat oily and sweet foods

Consumption of too much fat, cholesterol and sugar will not only prevent Conducive to the control of “three highs”, thereby accelerating renal failure, but also leading to excess nutrition, aggravating the inflammatory response in the kidney, increasing the level of toxins, impairing the filtering function, and then affecting the treatment of proteinuria.