“Do not refuse to be diagnosed on the grounds of waiting for nucleic acid results”, reiterates that life comes first

▲April 9, in Zhonghai Yueting Community, Songjiang District, Shanghai, Dongjing The medical staff of the town community health service center carried out nucleic acid sampling for the residents. Photo/Xinhua News Agency

On the morning of April 15, at a press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in Shanghai, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission requested that medical institutions should not wait for nucleic acid test results as Refusal by prevarication, delay in treatment. “In order to ensure the medical needs of the public during the epidemic, we require public hospitals at all levels to keep outpatient visits in principle, and key departments such as emergency and fever clinics must be fully open, and strictly implement the first-diagnosis responsibility system and the emergency and critical care system.”

“guarantee medical needs”, “non-stop consultation”, “full guarantee of opening up”… Such clear regulations can be said to be a strong response to the appeals of Shanghai citizens during this period. An “epidemic prevention guide” issued by the agency also gave the public a “reassurance”.

Objectively speaking, the current round of the epidemic situation in Shanghai is severe and complicated, and it is still in a high state. The number of local cases and local asymptomatic infections is increasing, which has virtually increased the difficulty of fighting the epidemic. Under this severe situation, it is understandable that in order to ensure the safety of patients and the normal operation of hospitals, relevant medical institutions have taken strict epidemic prevention measures.

But you must know that it is in such special circumstances that the ability of the medical structure to balance epidemic prevention and patient treatment is even more tested. Epidemic prevention and control. For some time, some medical institutions in Shanghai have mechanically used a piece of nucleic acid certificate as a “pass” for a patient to seek medical treatment, which can easily lead to delays in seeking medical treatment, and even cause an avoidable humanitarian tragedy.

For the hospital, it is an important place for epidemic prevention, and it should guard the line of defense and strictly control the epidemic. The strict implementation of the epidemic prevention policy does not mean that the nucleic acid test results can be used as the basis for medical treatment “one size fits all”. Hospitals may be able to explore more feasible solutions to accurately and flexibly handle the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and patient treatment. In other words, a patient’s negative or positive nucleic acid test should not be the only criterion for whether or not to receive treatment, especially for emergency patients.

▲On April 7th, workers at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai ) work inside. In response to the current new crown pneumonia epidemic, Shanghai is converting the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) into another makeshift hospital. Photo/Xinhua

It has been more than two years since the development of the new crown epidemic, and outbreaks of large and small outbreaks have occurred in many areas, and the central and local governments have repeatedly reiterated that it is necessary to ensure the normal needs of the masses to see a doctor during the epidemic. . On March 19 this year, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council held a press conference, re-emphasizing that medical institutions must strictly implement the responsibility system for the first diagnosis and the emergency and critical care system, and must not use any reason, especially the presence or absence of nucleic acid test results. Prevarication reasons for refusal and delay in treatment.

At the beginning of this year, an 8-month-old pregnant woman in Xi’an suffered a miscarriage due to nucleic acid problems waiting in front of the hospital. This incident caused a lot of controversy. After the incident, Xi’an held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control, proposing that no hospital should use epidemic prevention and control as an excuse to influence patients to see a doctor. For patients with acute and critical illness, hemodialysis, tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and pregnant and lying-in women, service calls and green channels are opened.

In fact, whether it is emphasized by the National Health Commission or the requirements made by Xi’an, Shanghai and other places, they are all reaffirming the basic principle of “people first, life first”. “People first, life first” is not only reflected in epidemic prevention and control and infection reduction, but also in ensuring the public’s daily medical needs. Any anti-epidemic policy should not cost lives.

From Xi’an to Shanghai, more and more cities have realized the importance of ensuring that daily medical treatment is fully treated. This point should indeed become a consensus that should be reached in the daily epidemic prevention and control process in various places.

The prevention and control of the epidemic itself is for the lives and health of the people, and this fundamental cannot be ignored in epidemic prevention. It is expected that after Shanghai has strictly implemented and clarified the “first diagnosis responsibility system and emergency and critical care system”, it can effectively guarantee the medical needs and safety of patients, and there will no longer be any cases caused by nucleic acid testing that blocks patients from the hospital door. Tragedy of life. And this in itself is serving the overall situation of the fight against the epidemic.

Written by/Hu Bugui (media person)

Editor in charge: Liu Zhilu_1214