Do not eat calcium tablets blindly! Knowing these points, calcium tablets are not wasted! No one knows the first

In life, many friends have the need and habit of taking calcium tablets, but are you taking calcium tablets correctly?

Calcium tablets are better to eat at night

Scientists have pointed out that the best time for calcium supplementation is Every night before going to bed.

This is because the physiological activity of excreting calcium in the body through urine always exists, and the source of calcium in the urine is the calcium in our blood.

During the day, our blood can be supplemented with calcium at any time by eating three meals a day to maintain the balance of blood calcium.

But at night, the urinary calcium in the urine will still be excreted. If the blood does not have enough calcium to supplement, the human body must extract a part of the stock from the calcium store, that is, the calcium in the bones will be consumed.

Therefore, if we can supplement calcium preparations at night, we can provide sufficient “ammunition” for the night and block the process of using bone calcium in the body.

So, taking calcium tablets at night is a good choice.

Try not to take calcium tablets on an empty stomach

The secretion of gastric acid is relatively less on an empty stomach, it is recommended People with atrophic gastritis can take calcium tablets with meals. If they are not taken with meals, they can be taken about an hour after meals.

For healthy people, as long as they are not fasting, they can take calcium tablets at any time except at night. Helps to ensure calcium intake and absorption.

Excessive calcium supplementation is the worst fear

Excessive calcium supplementation will indeed cause cardiovascular harm. The main reason is that after people reach middle age There may be some small damage to the blood vessels, which will cause inflammation. At this time, if calcium is excessively supplemented, the damaged tissue can easily combine with calcium ions, causing unnecessary calcification or increasing the damage area.

A large amount of calcium supplementation can also easily lead to stones. At the same time, too much calcium ions in the body will affect the absorption of drugs.

According to the recommendation of the Chinese Nutrition Society, the daily intake of calcium varies from population to population.

Adults are recommended to take 800mg/day, adolescents are 1000mg/day to 1200mg/day, pregnant, lactating women and women over 50 years old For middle-aged and elderly people, it is 1000 mg/day.

How to choose calcium preparations?

The main types of calcium preparations: organic calcium, inorganic calcium, organic calcium.

A large number of experiments have proved that the absorption of calcium has no direct relationship with the form of calcium, and the difference between the absorption rate of solid calcium and liquid calcium is not large.

However, due to the differences in the physical conditions of the users, everyone should choose the dosage form that suits them.

Calcium carbonate: 40% calcium content, high absorption rate, small side effects, low price, suitable for most people.

Because calcium carbonate can irritate the stomach, it is prone to adverse reactions such as abdominal distension, nausea, and vomiting, and may also aggravate constipation. Therefore, people with gastrointestinal disorders should pay special attention.

Calcium lactate: 13% calcium content, easy to dissolve, less burden on the stomach and intestines.

Calcium hydrogen phosphate: calcium content 23.3%, low absorption rate, use with caution in patients with renal dysfunction.

Calcium citrate: calcium content is 21%, which has little effect on the digestive system.

Active calcium: Stimulates the stomach and is not suitable for the elderly and those with gastric acid deficiency.

Organic calcium (amino acid chelated calcium): contains 16% calcium, contains trace elements, does not cause constipation and belching, and is suitable for menopausal women.

The best way to supplement calcium is through food

Calcium should be based on food.

The main sources of calcium in the diet of Chinese residents are dairy products, soy products and green leafy vegetables.

If it is true that a balanced diet cannot be achieved due to various reasons, and the supply of calcium in the diet cannot meet the body’s needs, then you can choose to eat calcium tablets.

Sun exposure is an inexpensive “calcium tablet”

There is a close relationship between sun exposure and calcium supplementation, which can help the body obtain vitamin D , while vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.

Suggestion: If you are wearing shorts and shorts, it is enough to be in the sun for about 30 to 120 minutes. If the entire back is exposed on the beach, it is enough to be in the sun for 20 to 30 minutes.

Note: Sun exposure through glass has absolutely no effect on the skin’s synthesis of vitamin D.