Do more abdominal exercises can reduce the belly? too naive! Eliminate small belly, only these 3 ways

Speaking of losing weight, what is the hardest part to lose? Small belly bears the brunt!

After all, even female stars can’t help it! Whether it is Ma Sichun or Xi Mengyao, they have been complained by netizens.

Tough little belly, is it really impossible to take it? Don’t worry, look down!

Can losing weight directly reduce belly?

It’s a pity that losing weight is not “selective fat loss”, that is to say, when the body breaks down fat, it will not choose to only break down the fat on the belly, and it cannot be achieved” If you want to lose weight, you will lose weight.” Therefore, many people lose weight and find that the waist circumference becomes smaller and the bust circumference also shrinks.

Does the abdominal exercise every day also not lose belly? After all, it’s the stomach that moves, isn’t it calorie burn?

You burn calories just by being active, yes. However, if you only do abdominal exercises, you will get tired very quickly, and you will not be able to last for long, and the amount of activity is too small.

So don’t expect to lose weight locally, just move the whole body to burn more fat, lose weight all over the body, and also lose weight in the stomach.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Isn’t the little belly not reduced, just not beautiful?

Since it is so difficult to reduce the belly, why not reduce it? Small belly is not only about beauty, but also about health.

Having a small belly means that there is more abdominal fat accumulation. This part of the fat, in addition to accumulating under the skin, will also accumulate in the organs, such as in the liver cells, and it is easy to develop into fatty liver.

In addition to fatty liver, if the abdominal fat accumulates to the point that the waist circumference exceeds the standard (male ≥ 90cm, female ≥ 85cm), it is central obesity (abdominal obesity), even if the weight does not exceed the standard, all kinds of slow There is also an increased risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia.

What should I do if I want to get rid of my belly?

Some friends may say that they really move their whole body, such as running or doing aerobics, but they haven’t seen a thin belly. What’s going on?

That may be because you can’t move the essentials, and the food doesn’t match well!

1. Scientific diet

Studies show that obese people who receive a high-protein diet for 6 months lose more weight and lose belly fat better than those who eat a normal diet by 10% belly fat [1].

What is a high-protein diet? The energy supply ratio of protein is more than 20%, but it should not exceed 30%, otherwise it will increase the burden on the liver and kidney. Let’s interpret it in terms of specific food quantities.

Adult light laborers, such as white-collar women, need an average of 1,800 kcal of energy per day, and it is recommended to reduce their diet by 300 kcal (that is, 1,500 kcal) for weight loss. Obvious hunger, easier to persist.

In a 1500 kcal recipe, if you want to ensure the protein supply ratio of 20% to 30%, you can eat 2 eggs, drink 1 pack of milk, and eat 100 grams of meat (preferably low-fat) throughout the day. Lean meat, skinless poultry and fish and shrimp. 3-4 rolls of beef rolls, 5 shrimps, 1.5 small chicken legs, and 2 small wings are about 50 grams, which can be eaten flexibly), eat 100 grams of dried tofu.

In addition, eat 150 grams of vegetables for each meal, 100 grams of fruits a day, and the rest should be made up by the staple food; it is recommended to eat vegetables and protein first, and then the staple food in the order of meals.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Special reminder 4 points:

(1) Staple. Incorporating miscellaneous grains and beans into the staple food, accounting for about 1/3 of the staple food, can be made into multi-grain porridge, multi-grain rice, or steamed corn cobs, potatoes, and sweet potatoes to replace some of the staple foods.

(2) Vegetables. Vegetables are preferably leafy vegetables and melon and eggplant vegetables. Potatoes and yam have high starch content. They are not recommended to be eaten as dishes. It is best to use a non-stick pan, so as not to control the amount of oil. Each cooking oil should be controlled to about 5 grams (half a small white porcelain spoon).

(3) Meal habits. When eating, concentrate on eating, don’t watch TV and swipe your mobile phone, so as not to eat too much without knowing it; you must chew and swallow slowly when eating, because it takes a certain amount of time for the satiety signal to be transmitted from the stomach to the brain.

(4) While controlling energy during weight loss, micronutrient intake will also be affected, and fat metabolism is often inextricably linked with micronutrients , so it is recommended to supplement the complex nutrients [2].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

2. Regular exercise

Medium-to-high-intensity activities such as jogging and high-intensity interval exercise are more efficient in burning fat than brisk walking and yoga. It is best to accumulate 150 minutes per week.

In addition to the whole body fat-burning exercise, you can also combine some abdominal muscle training to exercise the abdominal muscles, such as crunches, planks, etc. Otherwise, the abdominal muscles are weak and not firm, even for thin people. There will be a small belly. If you want to do high-intensity waist and abdominal training under the guidance of a fitness coach, it is best to do it every other day to avoid fatigue and injury caused by insufficient recovery.

3. Relieve stress

Stressed for a long time, the cortisol level in the body will be high, which can make people want to eat high-sugar and high-fat food, but it is really troublesome[3] ].

In addition, cortisol itself also promotes fat accumulation, especially on the face, abdomen, shoulders and back, so stress will really make the belly fat!

Moreover, compared with men, long-term stress is more likely to make women fat[4], so female friends who want to reduce their belly must know how to relieve all kinds of pressure and relax.

Of course, don’t be too hard on yourself when it comes to losing weight. You must know that fat is not eaten in one bite, so don’t expect to lose weight quickly, setting an unrealistic goal will only make you stressed It is good to lose 2 to 3 pounds per month; going on a scale or measuring your waist every day will also make people feel a lot of pressure. You might as well take weight loss or belly reduction as a process of cultivating a scientific lifestyle, and let your stomach be thin. .


[1] China Overweight and Obesity Medical Nutrition Treatment Expert Consensus Writing Committee. China Overweight/Obesity Medical Nutrition Treatment Expert Consensus (2016 Edition) [J]. Diabetes World (Clinical), (10) :25-29.

[2] Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China. Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Adults (Trial). 2006

[3] A. Janet Tomiyama.Stress and Obesity[J].Annual Review of Psychology,2019, 70(5):703-718.

[4] Vasiliki Michopoulos. Stress-induced alterations in estradiol sensitivity increase risk for obesity in women[J]. Physiology & Behavior, 2016,1(166): 56C64.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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