Do antiperspirants cause cancer? Type O blood attracts mosquitoes? Have you been spooked by rumors this summer?

For some reason, there seem to be a lot of summer-related rumors, and they seem to be getting more and more “cultured”, some with trendy “tech words”, some with The experimental results are quoted nominally out of context. Can you identify the following rumors?

Antiperspirants linked to breast cancer?


In the hot dog days, many people choose to use antiperspirant, deodorant and other products in order to stay dry outdoors. However, when understanding and purchasing antiperspirant products, you often see scary sayings like “using antiperspirant is easy to get breast cancer”.


Antiperspirants don’t actually make you sweat less or less. The principle of action of most antiperspirants is to block the outlet of the sweat glands through aluminum compounds, so that sweat “flows less”.

And a large part of the source of the rumors lies in this “aluminum compound”. In the research on breast cancer cells, some doctors have found that certain aluminum compounds can affect the estrogen metabolism of breast cancer cells, which has become the “theoretical basis” for the claim that “antiperspirants cause cancer”. It seems plausible at first. However, “affecting metabolism” does not mean “carcinogenic”, and having an effect on cancer cells does not mean that normal cells can become cancer cells. Using the former to derive the latter is somewhat of a forcible twist, which is alarmist.

Furthermore, there is currently no evidence that aluminum compounds in topical antiperspirants penetrate normal breast cells, nor studies showing what concentrations of aluminum compounds can make normal cells cancerous. Many foreign institutions have conducted clinical epidemiological experiments on this, but they have not obtained strong evidence to support “antiperspirants increase the risk of breast cancer”.

Therefore, everyone “Breaking Sweaters”, please rest assured to use the antiperspirant that you purchased regularly.

Everyone, “Blood Sweaters”, rest assured to use the antiperspirant that you purchased regularly | Giphy

Do mosquitoes have a preferred blood type?


May I ask, who has never had the experience of being drowsy, and mosquitoes beating gongs and drums in their ears; or sprinkled “two pounds” of toilet water, and still being forced to give away a few mosquito bags when going out?

For many friends who have tried their best, but still can’t achieve the “dislike” with mosquitoes, it is easy for them to believe that they are favored by mosquitoes because of certain characteristics, among which, “Mosquitoes prefer a certain blood type” is one of the most popular sayings.

Do mosquitoes have a preferred blood type? | Web page screenshots


If you look closely, the term “blood type attracts mosquitoes” covers almost all blood types. In other words, even in rumors, mosquitoes are not particularly picky eaters. So far, there is no scientific and reliable evidence to prove that people with a certain blood type are particularly susceptible to mosquito bites. The experiment that was once an important argument for the rumor that “blood type attracts mosquitoes” has also been confirmed There are insufficient experimental design and statistical errors /strong>.

Since it has nothing to do with blood type, why are some people especially attracted to mosquitoes? Existing research shows that mosquitoes are greatly influenced by carbon dioxide, heat and volatile chemicals emitted by the body when they seek to bite. Therefore, friends, stop believing that you are the “choice of heaven” for mosquitoes because of your blood type. It is more practical to pay attention to personal hygiene and scientifically choose mosquito repellent products.

Pay attention to personal hygiene, scientific selection of mosquito repellent products is more practical | Giphy

Soybeans can’t produce bean sprouts because of the use of genetically modified soybeans?


Because of the isolation of the epidemic and other reasons, many people have learned the “innate skill” of growing vegetables and played new tricks on the balcony. Among the many vegetables, bean sprouts, which are known as “you can grow with water”, can be said to be the C-position debut. It is easy to operate and grows quickly. It is particularly refreshing and refreshing to mix a small cold dish in the hot summer. However, after trying it, many friends said that “a meal is as fierce as a tiger, and the bean sprouts do not feel bitter.” When investigating the attribution of the responsibility for soybean not germinating, the ancient contestant in the food rumor industry, “the soybean that cannot germinate is genetically modified soybean”, was once again brought out.

“Hair with water” |


In fact, whether soybeans can germinate or not has nothing to do with whether it is a genetically modified soybean. The main reasons why soybeans do not germinate are one is that the beans themselves “die”, and the other is improper operation.

Soybean is a high-fat and high-protein seed, the fat in it is easily oxidized during long-term storage, and other nutrients are also destroyed; the enzymes in soybean are also susceptible to Inactivated by the influence of temperature and humidity, soybeans lacking enzymes are like “a clever woman has rice but no pot” when germinating, and it is difficult to convert the protein stored in the seeds into energy and substances required for germination.

Soy |

Simply put, the germination rate of soybeans decreases with storage time. If you are an experienced bean sprout, but suddenly you can’t grow bean sprouts, it is very likely that “old beans” were used, or the soybeans were stored in an improper environment, causing the beans to “die”.

For beginners, the reason for the failure is likely to be an operating error. There are many misunderstandings that cause the beans to not germinate or germinate very slowly, such as insufficient time to soak the beans, inappropriate growth temperature, wrong watering timing, too much watering and so on. Especially in the part of watering, many novices may think that the bean sprouts are “bubble”. But in fact, soybean germination and growth requires a lot of oxygen. If there is too much water and no air, it is easy to “suffocate” the beans.