Difficulty swallowing often, need to pay attention! When these 4 situations occur, check them in time and don’t ignore them

In recent years, the incidence of laryngeal cancer has been on the rise.Especially in Henan, Hebei, Fujian, Guangzhou and other regions, the main incidence age is 40-70 years old, and there are more males than females.

Therefore, such people always have difficulty in swallowing, and they need to perform laryngoscopy. The full name of laryngoscopy is electronic rhinolaryngoscopy. The process is complicated, and the extent of the lesion and swallowing function may need to be understood by taking foreign bodies and biopsy.

So, here’s what you need to know about laryngoscopy.

First, long repetition Sore throat

If there is repeated or prolonged sore throat, foreign body sensation in the throat, swallowing blockage, and blood in the sputum, laryngoscopy should also be performed to determine Is it pharyngeal hemangioma, epiglottis cyst, hypopharyngeal carcinoma, etc..

Especially when the symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer are not obvious in the early stage, and patients have throat discomfort, foreign body sensation, and blood in sputum, they need to perform laryngoscopy immediately.

Second, pierced by fish bones or by Bone stuck in the throat

When eating, it may get stuck in the throat accidentally, such as grapes, beans, bones, fishbone, if the stick is deep, foreign body shape If it is not normal, a laryngoscopy is required.

Patients need to pay attention not to eat or drink within 4 hours before the examination to prevent nausea and vomiting during the laryngoscopy, and food may accidentally enter the trachea.

Third, husky


Any cause of hoarseness needs to be diagnosed by laryngoscopy. Once the vocal cord lesions are found in the examination, this examination method can clearly understand the cause of the disease, so as to determine the symptomatic treatment plan.

Fourth, Vocal cord polyps or tumors

If a disorder in the larynx, such as vocal cord polyps, vocal cord nodules, or malignancy is suspected, Such as laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer, laryngoscopy is required to determine the extent and size of the lesions.

In this case, it is easy to misdiagnose without laryngoscopy, especially in middle-aged and elderly patients.

Under what circumstances to do laryngoscopy, I have understood clearly,< strong>At this time, patients also need to pay attention to the matters needing attention before and after the examination.

First, fast as much as possible

If you have a biopsy, you should also fast as much as possible to prevent nausea and vomiting due to throat irritation. Vomit. Especially when the disease is severe, no food is allowed after 22:00 the night before.

Second, understand the patient’s medical history

Before the throat examination, you should ask for past medical history, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, Now the physical condition and throat symptoms, to know whether there is any condition that affects the examination, and to judge whether the patient can be examined.

Third, other precautions

During the examination, patients should also try to relax their mental state as much as possible, to prevent being too nervous to cooperate with the doctor’s examination and affect the accuracy of the examination results. After a laryngoscopy, if you have a sore throat, care for a period of time is important.

According to the above introduction, laryngoscopy is the main method for diagnosing pharyngitis, pharyngeal tumors and other uncomfortable symptoms, so that we can understand the disease more carefully and thoroughly.

However, there are two types of laryngoscopes in clinical practice, one is an electronic laryngoscope, and the other is a supporting laryngoscope. At present, the electronic laryngoscope is used more, mainly to determine the foreign body in the throat, As well as other types of diseases, support laryngoscopes are common in surgery and are often used to diagnose malignancies. Therefore, the pertinence of different inspection methods is different, and patients must pay more attention.