Dietary taboos for gout patients, these 3 kinds of vegetables are recommended to eat more!

“Three highs” is a common chronic disease in my country, but in recent years, another “high” has gradually increased, it is “high uric acid” “causing gout.

Similar to “Three Highs”, after suffering from gout, in addition to following the doctor’s orders to take medicine on time, diet control is also very important!

Experts recommend gout patients,

8 kinds of food should be touched less, and 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten more!

8 foods not to eat


Seafood and offal

Gout patients should eat less or no high-purine foods, such as seafood, offal, various broths, Bacon, sausage, bacon and other processed meat products.



Food seasonings such as oyster sauce, abalone sauce, hoisin sauce, and mushroom sauce are high in purines , Many are made of meat products and seafood after refining and concentration processing. After eating, the level of uric acid will rapidly increase, which is easy to induce gout symptoms.


High-fructose foods

Epidemiological studies have found that frequent consumption of fructose-containing beverages increases the incidence of gout. Fructose is a monosaccharide. After entering the human body, it will inhibit the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys and induce hyperuricemia. Ingesting a large amount of fructose at one time or taking a large amount for a long time will lead to an increase in blood uric acid levels and may lead to gout complications. onset or aggravation of the disease.


coffee and strong tea

strong tea and coffee by themselves do not increase purines in the body, but they do Exciting the effect of the autonomic nerve will aggravate gout, and may even induce an acute attack of gout, so gout patients should be cautious or avoid drinking.



We all know that gout patients cannot drink beer because Beer contains a certain amount of purines, but in fact, wine and liquor can not drink. Because alcohol promotes the absorption of purines, eating other purine-containing foods while drinking alcohol can worsen gout. Therefore, not only can gout patients not drink beer, but also all alcoholic beverages.



Gout patients should eat more fresh vegetables rich in vitamins, but mushrooms, soybeans, lentils, seaweed and other foods, which should be avoided during an acute attack of gout.


Coarse grains

It was said before that diabetic patients should eat more whole grains, because they are rich in dietary fiber and slow to increase sugar. However, when gout patients choose the staple food, the purine content in coarse grains is higher than that of refined grains, so there should be more refined grains and less coarse grains. Common coarse grains include sorghum, corn, millet, and buckwheat.


Soybean products

The purine content of most vegetables is much lower than that of seafood, offal, broth and other animal products Food, but there are some exceptions. For example, beans and soy products, asparagus, mushrooms, seaweed, bean sprouts and other purine content are relatively high.

3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten more

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products, especially these three vegetables are highly recommended.


Chinese cabbage

The purine content of cabbage is 12.6mg/100g, and it is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Alkaline, regular consumption can alkalize urine and promote the excretion of uric acid.



Kangkong has a purine content of 22mg/100g, and the pectin contained in it can accelerate the excretion of toxic substances from the body. It can improve the activity of macrophages, sterilize and reduce inflammation, promote intestinal peristalsis, and has a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of gout combined with constipation and other intestinal diseases.



the basic purine content of cabbage is 9.7mg/100g It does not contain purines, and contains a lot of vitamin C. Regular consumption of cabbage has the effects of nourishing marrow, strengthening joints, strengthening muscles and bones, and regulating internal organs.


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