Diabetes reversal is not a dream! Endocrinologist launches Type 2 Diabetes Intensive Reverse Sugar Management Alliance


Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhang Hua Correspondent Wu Zhenpeng Zhang Cancheng

Photo/Provided by the hospital

Ms. Chen, 43, is from Dali, Yunnan, and has been working in Dongguan, Guangdong. Recently, Ms. Chen accidentally touched a small fleshy growth on her anus when she was taking a bath, “Although I have hemorrhoids for five or six years, I still feel uncomfortable when I go to the toilet, my stomach is swollen at night, and there are occasional needles. It hurts like a prick.” Ms. Chen hurried to the local hospital for treatment, but she did not expect the colonoscopy results to suggest: rectal space-occupying lesions, 2-3cm away from the anal verge, and rectal cancer to be determined. The doctor told Aunt Chen that in addition to hemorrhoids, there was also a lump in the rectum.

The small mass is not a hemorrhoid, it may be a rectal tumor

After Ms. Chen learned that the mass might have a tumor, she listened to the Later, I was shocked. I thought it was just a small hemorrhoid, and it would be fine to take some medicine or perform a small operation, but now I was told that I had to go to a general hospital for treatment. Under the recommendation of a local doctor, she found the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University.

Yang Jingge, director of the first area of ​​gastrointestinal surgery in the hospital, found through careful consultation and digital examination that a 2cm-sized tumor could be clearly felt in Ms. Chen’s rectum about 2cm from the anus. Combined with the pathology of the local hospital, he analyzed that, “The pathology of the other hospital indicates high-grade rectal intraepithelial neoplasia, which is a precancerous lesion of the tumor, and further development is a rectal malignant tumor. In view of the limitations of endoscopic sampling, it is recommended to Colonoscopy + biopsy was performed again. In addition, Ms. Chen’s rectal tumor is located at a very low level. Once the pathological finding is a malignant tumor, the operation method may need to consider the Miles operation, that is, ‘anus digging operation’.”

Surgery “from large to small” cancer risk was successfully relieved

Fortunately, the last colonoscopy + biopsy pathology once again showed that it was “villous-tubular adenoma” , with moderate-to-severe epithelial dysplasia”, higher-grade lesions cannot be excluded due to fragmentation of the sample.

Due to the low location of the tumor, the tumor could not be completely resected under endoscopy. Accordingly, after discussion, the surgical team of Yang Jingge and Tang Hanlin unanimously decided to perform transanal mucosal tumor resection for Ms. Chen. After adequate preoperative preparation, the operation was completed quickly under spinal anesthesia in half an hour, and the operation also solved the patient’s long-standing hemorrhoid problem.

After the operation, Ms. Chen was able to get out of bed and walk on the first day. The final pathological result on the third day was consistent with the expectation of Yang Jingge’s team, which was consistent with villous-tubular adenoma and focal epithelial moderate-severe dysplasia. . Two colonoscopy, three pathology, and one minor operation stopped Ms. Chen’s bad luck of “intestinal cancer digging anus”.

The first colonoscopy is scheduled before the age of 40

Colorectal cancer is currently the fastest growing incidence in my country One of the malignant tumors, the early symptoms of colorectal cancer are not obvious, and the most common abnormality is the change of stool character or defecation habit. However, colorectal cancer is a preventable and curable cancer. Ms. Chen is a typical example. Most intestinal malignant tumors develop on the basis of intestinal polyps or adenomas. Excision can prevent it from becoming cancerous.

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