Diabetes eating metformin plus Liuwei Dihuang Pills, lowers blood sugar and protects the kidneys? Rumor: There may be a risk of kidney damage

Nowadays, with the continuous development of society, people’s living standards have also been greatly improved. At the same time, with the aging of the population, many chronic diseases also follow. Diabetes, especially the so-called “disease of wealth”, is one of the most prominent diseases. Many people know that diabetes is incurable and can only be controlled within the normal range through long-term medication and treatment.

Many diabetic patients basically take metformin, a classic hypoglycemic drug. This drug not only has obvious hypoglycemic effect, but also is more economical, and has a good control effect on postprandial blood sugar and fasting blood sugar< /strong>. In life, many people take Liuwei Dihuang Pills while taking metformin to protect kidney function. Today we will introduce to you whether these two drugs can be taken at the same time for diabetic patients?

I. Incentives for Diabetes

Diabetes is clinically a Diabetes is a very common disease, and the incidence of diabetes has been on the rise in recent years. Even though many people want to prevent the occurrence of diabetes, but do not know where to start, the following are some of the triggers that lead to diabetes?

1. Genetic factors

diabetes It has a familial genetic susceptibility, and medical research has shown that the incidence of relatives of diabetic patients is higher than that of relatives of non-diabetic patients. especially type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, both of which have distinct genetic characteristics. If only one parent in a family has diabetes, the probability of heredity in the children will be relatively low, but if both parents have diabetes, the probability of heredity in the children is very high.

2. Virus infection

Viral infections, such as enteroviruses and rubella viruses, can also lead to the incidence of diabetes. Due to the abnormality of the immune system of diabetic patients, when the virus invades, it will destroy the body’s immune system, and also lead to abnormal function of pancreatic islet cells, which will lead to the occurrence of diabetes .

3. Life is stressful

As the rhythm of the city is getting faster and faster, the pressure of modern life is also increasing. If a person is in a tense state for a long time, or emotionally tense for a long time, it will cause the body’s insulin to counteract the hormone secretion. Once these hormones are released in large quantities for a long time, it will inevitably cause disorders of endocrine metabolism, which will lead to hyperglycemia in patients and lead to the occurrence of diabetes.

4. Irregular diet

The cause of diabetes is closely related to the eating habits of individuals. If a person regularly consumes some high-sugar foods or high-fat foods, the body is very prone to obesity. It also causes fat to accumulate in cells in the body for a long time, which reduces the sensitivity of cells to insulin and causes diabetes.

II. Can Liuwei Dihuang Wan protect kidney function?

Speaking of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, many people know that this drug can nourish the kidney.But many people do not know the deficiency of kidney yin in traditional Chinese medicine and the effect of kidney yin in western medicine. Impaired renal function is two completely different concepts.Generally, kidney yin deficiency is mainly caused by insufficient kidney water and lack of nourishment. It has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney and improving kidney yin deficiency for patients.

Therefore, although Liuwei Dihuang Wan can regulate kidney yin deficiency, it can It has no protective effect on kidney function.In addition, if there is a problem of kidney yin deficiency in the body of diabetic patients, they should also consider taking Liuwei Dihuang Pill to regulate the body. However, if the patient has impaired renal function, such as increased creatinine or microalbuminuria, it is not recommended to take Liuwei Dihuang Pill.

Can San and Liuwei Dihuang Pills be taken at the same time with metformin?

Metformin is a commonly used drug for the treatment of diabetes. It can play a good role in the treatment of diabetes. Not only that, but taking this drug can reduce the amount of insulin patients take and prevent symptoms of hypotension. Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a drug used for kidney yin deficiency, and it has been proved in many clinical trials that Liuwei Dihuang Pill is helpful for improving kidney function and reducing inflammation, but it has no effect on lowering blood sugar. .

It can be seen that there is no conflict between patients with diabetes taking Liuwei Dihuang Pill and metformin at the same time. Although these two drugs can be taken at the same time, patients should also pay attention to the dosage of Liuwei Dihuang Pill not to take too much, otherwise it will cause a burden on the kidneys. If people with diabetes want to control their blood sugar, they should take their medication on time. In addition, you must learn to control your eating habits to prevent your blood sugar from rising again.

Fourth, Metformin plus Liuwei Dihuang Pills can lower blood sugar and protect kidneys?

Metformin in patients with diabetes can not only reduce weight, but also improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Although diabetic patients can take Liuwei Dihuang Pill while taking metformin, But as mentioned earlier, Liuwei Dihuang Pill is only suitable for kidney yin deficiency, so it cannot relieve the problem of kidney tissue injury.

All in all, Liuwei Dihuang Pill is unlikely to alleviate the complications of kidney disease caused by diabetes, but may Due to long-term use of high-concentration drugs, the patient’s kidney structure will be damaged. Therefore, Metformin plus Liuwei Dihuang Pills does not have the effect of lowering blood sugar and protecting the kidneys.

5. When taking metformin, do less of these things:

1. Do not take drugs blindly

Many people may suffer from other diseases besides diabetes, so patients need to Take different medicines to relieve symptoms. However, patients are advised to ask their doctor’s opinion carefully before taking the medicine, after all, all medicines have the effect of restraining each other. For example, metformin cannot be taken with cimetidine, so for the sake of health, patientsNever take medicine blindly.

2. Do not stop the drug without permission

< span>Diabetes is a chronic disease. For many diabetic patients, once they are diagnosed, they need to take lifelong medication to control the disease. In addition, for early type 2 diabetes patients, it is necessary to actively cooperate with the treatment and control the diet in order to gradually stabilize the blood sugar.

There is no dependence on any hypoglycemic drugs, so if a patient has adverse reactions while taking metformin, You should choose whether to stop the drug under the advice of your doctor, and never stop the drug without permission.

3. Avoid alcohol

It is essential for diabetics to control their alcohol intake, especially when taking metformin. Because the primary function of metformin is to help lower blood sugar, heavy drinking may cause hypoglycemia. In addition, heavy drinking while taking it also increases the risk of lactic acid reorganization, so it is recommended that diabetics avoid drinking alcohol while taking metformin.

Six. Side effects of metformin

1. Acidosis may occur

People with diabetes may experience acidosis while taking metformin. If the patient takes metformin alone, the risk of acidosis in the patient is relatively small. However, when combined with other drugs that may cause acidosis, the risk of acidosis is significantly increased. For example, when NSAIDs are used together with diuretics, there may be a risk of lactic acidosis.

2. Gastrointestinal reactions

People with diabetes may experience gastrointestinal distress when taking metformin. Common symptoms include bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.. These symptoms often cause patients to eat less, leading to continued weight loss. In addition, a small number of patients may experience symptoms of gastroenteritis and peptic ulcer after taking metformin.

3. Rash, itching

< span>Metformin can cause common symptoms such as rash, itching, erythema, and blisters in diabetic patients. Symptoms such as dermatitis and hair loss may also occur, although these symptoms are relatively rare. If the skin is damaged, the patient needs to stop the drug immediately and take effective measures to deal with it. In addition, if a patient experiences a severe allergic skin reaction, it may cause shock, which requires immediate medical attention.

4. Damage to liver and kidney function

Long-term use of metformin may damage the liver and kidney function of patients, resulting in drug-induced liver injury. However, such adverse reactions are not very common, and there is not enough evidence to prove that metformin can cause liver damage. If a patient develops symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and arrhythmia after taking metformin, they need to go to the hospital for treatment immediately.

Seven, taking metforminPrecautions

1. Weight control is required

< span>Many people may experience some weight changes while taking metformin. If the weight change is not caused by other reasons, but is related to medication, then the patient needs to adjust the medication method or change other medications in time according to the doctor’s advice. This can reduce the side effects of the drug, thereby ensuring the patient’s health.

2. Dosage control is required

< span>When diabetic patients take metformin for a long time, they should control the dosage of the drug according to their own disease conditions. The medicine must be taken in the correct and reasonable way. If the patient does not pay attention to the usage and dosage of the medicine, the body may be harmed by the medicine.

In addition, patients must not take the medicine on an empty stomach, but can take the medicine during meals. Otherwise, it will affect the body’s ability to absorb the drug, and may also have some adverse reactions. In general, patients taking metformin for the first time can reduce the dose and then gradually increase the dose to allow the gastrointestinal tract to adapt to the effects of the drug.

3. Regular body check

People with diabetes should have regular checkups while taking metformin. It is necessary to know whether there is any abnormality in liver and kidney function, or whether there is a problem of vitamin deficiency. Usually long-term use of metformin may damage the liver and kidney function of patients, resulting in decreased liver and kidney function. It may also reduce the content of vitamin B12 in the body and cause various adverse reactions in the body.

Therefore, patients should have regular check-ups while taking the medicine. If abnormal liver and kidney function are found, the drug should be stopped immediately to prevent side effects. But if you find that vitamin B12 is deficient, you need to supplement this vitamin in time to maintain your body’s health.


Metformin in the treatment of diabetes and heart disease The protection of blood vessels has a very good effect, and it is economical and safe. It can be said that this drug has more effects and less adverse reactions.

In addition, metformin is the safest blood sugar lowering drug compared to other drugs Drugs play a vital role in the treatment of diabetes. For most diabetic patients, this drug is the first choice among oral hypoglycemic drugs, so it is recommended that you not be afraid of this drug.

Any drug will have certain side effects. Therefore, in order to take the medicine safely, we must pay close attention to the changes in our body when using metformin. Prevent all kinds of adverse reactions caused by drugs, and minimize the possible side effects of drugs. For patients with hyperglycemia, special attention should be paid to a balanced diet, proper exercise, correct medication, and regular physical examinations. In this way, the body’s resistance can be enhanced and blood sugar can be effectively controlled.