Detoxification, what is it? These 3 ways to detox are deceiving! The best way to detox is

Recently, in Changsha, Hunan, a woman in her 60s spent as much as 200,000 yuan a year in a health care center because of a free pedicure.

It is understood that the staff of the health center judged that the woman had a tumor in the head by bloodletting, so they treated it by bloodletting and detoxification, in which the cost of detoxification of deep viscera reached 5.6 10,000 yuan, and now this health center has been investigated by the supervision and management institute. Why is detoxing so expensive? What is the detoxification in our body? Next, let’s find out.

What is the so-called detoxification?

Many people think that there are toxins in our body. If we do not detoxify regularly, the toxins will stay in our body and cause diseases over time. Therefore, we must detoxify regularly. In fact, Chinese and Western medicine have different approaches to the toxins in our body.

1. Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, detoxification is the elimination of retention and entry into the body harmful materials. Obesity or overweight, bad living habits, stubborn constipation, and heavy mental stress can increase the content of toxins in the body.

2, western medicine

From the perspective of Western medicine, detoxification refers to the discharge of free radicals that are prone to aging, cholesterol and lactic acid produced by exercise, other metabolic wastes, and bacteria and viruses that enter the body from the outside world.

Are you the best detox master yourself?

Actually, detoxing is just a touted concept. Our body has its own mechanisms to resist foreign toxins and does not require additional detoxification methods. The body has 3 lines of defense to prevent or remove toxic substances.

  • One is the skin, digestive system and respiratory system, which can Prevent external toxic and harmful substances from invading the body;
  • The second is the immune system. After the external substances enter the body, the immune cells will fight against the external substances and clear them in time;
  • The third is the liver and kidneys, which can remove harmful substances in the blood and metabolic wastes produced by metabolism.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to eat or some special way to detoxify. Many products selling detoxification are deceitful of. Because our human body has a natural detoxification system, a healthy diet and moderate exercise can make our “detoxification system” work better.

Which detox methods are deceptive?

Now that we know that our human body has a natural “detoxification system”, some marketing detoxification methods are also deceptive. The family doctor has listed a few detoxification methods that fool people. I hope Readers can open their eyes to see clearly, and don’t be deceived by some unscrupulous merchants.

1. Detoxification and beauty with fruit yeast

In recent years, fruit yeast has been received by many People love, sweet and sour taste, businessmen claim to be able to beauty and lose weight. However, fruit enzymes are naturally fermented foods whose selling point is enzymes. Enzyme is an enzyme, which is a protein with catalytic activity. After entering the stomach, the activity of the gastric juice is weakened or lost in the acidic environment, and it does not play any physiological role at all, let alone detoxification, weight loss, and clearing the stool. Therefore, fruit enzyme detoxification is not reliable, it is better to directly eat fruit to obtain the nutrients in it.

2. Lymphatic massage detox< /p>

The lymphatic system belongs to a defense mechanism. Inflammation can occur during the immune response. This is a normal phenomenon. After the body develops resistance, the inflammation will disappear. Regular guidance and massage cannot remove toxins from the body. If there is a disease in the lymph nodes, such as lymph node, progressive lymphatic enlargement, tuberculosis or tumor, etc., it is necessary to choose a regular hospital for scientific diagnosis and treatment. Do not massage at will, so as not to damage the capillary lymphatic network, induce or aggravate lymph node enlargement, and even make the pain worse.

3. Colon cleansing and detoxification

Usually intractable constipation or before colonoscopy Colon cleansing is required. However, in recent years, bowel cleansing has been hyped as a beauty method by beauty shops, and there is no detoxification, weight loss and beauty effect at all. Frequent colon cleansing may cause electrolyte disturbances, disturb the balance of intestinal flora, and in severe cases may cause intestinal perforation or intestinal bleeding, and even lead to a series of sequelae.

Message from the doctor

From a medical point of view, detoxification is just a marketing concept without any scientific basis , so you can’t blindly try detoxification methods, you don’t need to eat a certain food or detox by other means. Everyone has a detoxification system. In daily life, you should pay attention to a diversified diet, balanced nutrition, eat less greasy and high-sugar foods, and drink more daily. Water, ensure that the daily water intake reaches more than 2000 ml, which helps the kidneys to excrete metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. Participate in more aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging or jumping aerobics and swimming, etc., can speed up the blood circulation of the whole body .

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