Details of 8 new local infections in Beijing announced, 3 people work in the same roast duck restaurant

On March 17, at the 293rd press conference on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Beijing, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and member of the national expert group for novel coronavirus pneumonia, introduced that in March From 16:00 on the 16th to 16:00 on the 17th, Beijing added 8 new cases of local new coronary pneumonia virus infection, including 7 confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infection; 3 cases in Dongcheng District, 3 cases in Chaoyang District, and 2 cases in Xicheng District.

Infected Person 53: Currently living in the unit dormitory of the Honey Country Children’s Educational Growth Center, Xinqicai Commercial Center, Dongfeng Township, Chaoyang District. On March 9th, as a risk person of Infected Person 4 and Infected Person 18, they were quarantined at home, and they were quarantined at home on March 11. During the period, the four nucleic acid test results were all negative. He reported that he had symptoms such as fever on March 15, reported that the nucleic acid test result was positive, and he had been transferred to a designated hospital. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, he was diagnosed as a confirmed case on March 16. The clinical classification was mild.

Infected persons 54, 55, 56: Currently living in No. 2 Houyongkang Hutong, Beixinqiao Street, Dongcheng District, and working at Yulexuan Roast Duck Restaurant, No. On March 16, the nucleic acid test was carried out as a risk person for infected persons 50, 51, and 52. The result was positive, and he was transferred to a designated hospital. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, etc., on March 17 The infected person 54 was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infection, and the infected person 55 and 56 were diagnosed as confirmed cases, and the clinical types were all mild.

Infected persons 57 and 58: The two are husband and wife, currently living in Building 3, Yard 2, Shifang Street, Desheng Street, Xicheng District. On March 16, nucleic acid testing was conducted as a close contact of infected persons 50, 51, and 52. On March 17, the result was positive and has been transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. As a result, confirmed cases were diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classifications were common type and mild type.

Infected Person 59: Currently living in Building 17, Shuuizibeili, Xiushuiyuan Community, Liulitun Street, Chaoyang District. Nucleic acid testing was performed as a risk person for infected persons 50, 51, and 52. The result was positive on March 17, and they were transferred to a designated hospital. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging tests, the diagnosis was made on the same day. The confirmed cases were clinically classified as mild.

Infected Person 60: Currently living in Building 10, Yard 35, Shimen Xinju, Nanmofang Township, Chaoyang District. On March 16, he was quarantined as a close contact of Infected Person 45, and the nucleic acid was reported on March 17. The test result is positive and has been transferred to a designated hospital. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild. At present, epidemiological investigations and close contact tracing have been carried out on the above cases, the risk points have been checked, and various risk personnel have been classified and controlled; the traceability of newly infected persons is in progress. (Reporter Liu Suya Li Qiyao)