Details and activity trajectory of 2 new local confirmed cases in Suzhou announced, February 27. According to the “Suzhou Release” WeChat official account, from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 26, 2 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were added in Suzhou (both from centralized isolation points). Details and activity trajectory of local confirmed cases:

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from centralized isolation points, close contacts of cases since this round of epidemic, diagnosed as confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (common type) .

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from centralized isolation points, close contacts of cases since this round of epidemics, and diagnosed as confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (mild).

The above newly confirmed cases have all been transferred to the city’s designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and the condition is stable.

Details of imported confirmed cases yesterday:

Case 1, Chinese nationality, closed-loop transfer to a centralized isolation point on February 22. He was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) on February 26, and is currently being treated in isolation at a designated medical institution.

Case 2, from Hong Kong, China, was transferred to a centralized isolation point in a closed loop on February 21. He was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) on February 26, and is currently being treated in isolation at a designated medical institution.