Dementia, phlegm and orifices

Dementia is a disorder of the mind caused by myelodystrophy and insufficiency of the mind. >Stupidity, low intelligence, forgetfulness, etc. are the main clinical manifestations. Light people are indifferent, taciturn, slow to respond, and forgetful. In severe cases, they do not speak all day, or live alone in closed doors, or murmuring in their mouths, their words are reversed, their behavior is abnormal, they laugh and cry, or they do not want to eat, and they do not know hunger for several days.

turbid phlegm and greasy coating

Main symptoms

The expression is dull, murmuring, dumbfounded.

The tongue is fat, the coating is white and greasy, the phlegm is cloudy, and the orifice is dizzy, and the head is heavy;

If the tongue is fat, the coating is white and greasy, and the phlegm obscures the yang in the chest, the chest will be tight and short of breath;

If the phlegm obscures the orifice, it will lead to forgetfulness;

In chronic pharyngitis, the middle of the tip of the tongue is the throat, and chronic pharyngitis often sees depression in the middle of the tip of the tongue;

The depression and cracks in the tongue are due to weakness of the spleen and stomach, resulting in bloating and anorexia;< /p>

The red on both sides of the tongue means liver fire is strong, mostly because the liver is strong and the spleen is weak and diarrhea (five more diarrhea);

Tongue coating Greasy, because the phlegm blocks the lower Jiao, the waist and knees are sore and weak.

Summary of the machine

Phlegm turbidity Obstructed, clear orifices blocked


Remove phlegm and open orifices, strengthen the spleen and resolve turbidity

Prescriptions< /p>

Ditan Decoction (Jisheng Fang)


Citrus aurantium, Zhuru, Dannanxing, Shichangpu, Yuanzhi, Turmeric.

7 doses, decoct in water, 1 dose per day


This recipe focuses on removing phlegm and opening the orifices, while benefiting qi and strengthening the spleen. It is suitable for dementia with phlegm blocking the orifices. Erchen Decoction–dampness and phlegm; Citrus aurantium, Zhuru, Dannanxing-regulating qi and removing phlegm; Shichangpu, Yuanzhi, Turmeric-dissolving phlegm and opening the orifices