Delicious and not easy to get fat! This treasure staple food, you can’t stop eating it

Since everyone has become more and more aware of healthy eating, every time they face the colorful, lively and fragrant refined carbohydrates in the cafeteria, they will fall into the tangle of flipping brands— ―

If you choose a steamed bun, you have to give up the flower roll;

Today’s dishes are eaten again, and this bowl of rice can’t be finished…

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

For those of us who grew up eating rice and pasta of all kinds, it’s just a matter of eating multigrain rice, drinking oatmeal…healthy is healthy, but chewing these every day is too bad !

Is there a staple food in the world that allows us to eat a lot without worrying about gaining weight?

Yes! Pasta!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Low GI, super satisfying

Treasure staples

The texture of the pasta is very close to the ordinary hand-rolled noodles. One bite will satisfy all pasta lovers!

Carb lovers don’t have to restrain their cravings for raw carbs when it comes to pasta.

Another advantage of pasta is that it is not as easy to fall apart as ordinary noodles, office workers can make it at night and put it in the refrigerator, and take it to the company for lunch the next day. no problem!

Photo source: Taken by myself

Seeing that many friends here are going to send soul torture-is it really safe to eat something that looks so delicious? !

True, yes, yes, yes!

Because, most importantly, pasta is a low GI food.

Long time readers of the Institute should be familiar with this concept – the GI value, or the glycemic index, which reflects the amount of blood in the blood after we eat and digest food. Changes in sugar content.

Divided by GI value, GI>70 is high GI food, 55The average GI of pasta is 49, a decent low GI food.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

What is the use of talking about GI value every day?

High GI foods are easy to digest and absorb, and the food you eat is quickly converted into sugar and pours into our blood, causing a sudden rise in blood sugar. This will stimulate the secretion of insulin and increase the secretion of insulin – quickly store these sugars in the body and store them as fat!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Also, high blood sugar after a meal can also make you feel sleepy, which is why you always feel sleepy when you’re full at noon.

Low GI foods don’t have these problems – they are digested and absorbed very slowly, sugars enter the bloodstream very slowly, and blood sugar levels don’t even fluctuate much before and after meals .

This keeps us clear-headed, doesn’t make insulin too active, and feels fuller for longer.

Consumption of high GI foods can cause dramatic changes in blood sugar levels within a short period of time;

After consuming low-GI foods, blood sugar levels will remain in a relatively flat range.

Image source: Reference 3

As someone said, sleepy is sleepy. I have a camp bed in my office. Don’t be afraid to store some fat, just stick some winter fat to spend the winter!

Don’t be too busy, the benefits of a low GI diet don’t stop there —it’s proven effective in preventing and controlling a wide range of chronic diseases.

There are numerous studies confirming that a low GI diet has a positive effect on preventing diabetes. Low GI diet can increase fat oxidation after fast food and reduce insulin resistance index, and insulin resistance is one of the important reasons for the development of diabetes.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

There are also numerous studies showing an association between GI and cardiovascular disease.

High GI diets can easily lead to high risk of cardiovascular disease, while low GI diets can prevent coronary heart disease by improving blood lipid composition, insulin levels, thrombosis factors, etc.

To sum up, Low GI is closely related to everyone’s health. Whether your blood sugar is high or not, whether you need to lose weight or not, it is recommended that you eat more low-GI foods. food.

GI value of pasta

Why so low?

Let’s compare the staple foods we usually eat. Their GI values ​​are like this-

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Only pasta is considered low GI, regular noodles are considered medium GI, and other common staple foods are considered high GI foods.

The GI value of pasta is so low, mainly related to its raw materials and processing.

Most pasta is made from an ingredient called durum wheat flour, which is durum wheat flour. It is higher in protein and gluten than regular wheat.

We randomly searched for two types of pasta, both of which contain more than 12 grams of protein per 100 grams, which properly meets the standard of “high protein food”.

Image source: E-commerce

Durum wheat starch is higher in amylose, which can significantly lower its GI value.

Starch is mainly divided into amylose and amylopectin, and more amylose will lead to a higher gelatinization temperature of starch, which will reduce the digestion rate of starch and the rate of enzyme decomposition to produce glucose. will be slow.

In different varieties of wheat starch, the gelatinization temperature increased significantly with the increase of amylose content.

Image source: Reference 1

In addition, Durham wheat flour has a special protein profile. The content of glutenin in durum wheat is more, and the content of alkali-soluble protein is less; albumin is more, and globulin is less.

At the same time, the pasta is processed by multiple high-pressure extrusion molding, and the structure of the noodles is more compact.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, we just need to know that the result is that –Pasta doesn’t lose weight during cooking, nor does it after cooking It absorbs too much water, it is not easy to spread, and it remains firm and chewy, so it is not easy to digest.

The harder it is to digest, the lower the GI value.

There are two main types of pasta

See the list of ingredients for this 1-point distinction

It depends on whether its raw material is “durum wheat flour” or “durum wheat whole wheat flour”, these two raw materials correspond to different needs.

The raw material label of most pasta is “durum wheat flour”, which usually means that its processing technology will remove the “bran” from the wheat grains, making the finished noodles The color and softness are moderate.

Image source: E-commerce

In some processes, the “bran” is retained and the whole grain is milled, so that the processed raw material is called “durum wheat whole wheat flour”.

Image source: E-commerce

This type of noodles will have a higher gluten content and a more glutinous texture. What’s more, the dietary fiber of wheat mainly comes from the fiber in “bran”. Keep the “bran”, the dietary fiber in the pasta will be higher.

We can look at the comparison of the nutrition table of the two products-

The picture above shows the nutritional composition of a pasta made of durum wheat flour, with a dietary fiber content of 3 grams per 100 grams;

The picture below shows the nutritional content of a pasta made of durum wheat whole wheat flour, which contains 8 grams of dietary fiber per hectogram.

Image source: E-commerce

So, if you pursue “high dietary fiber” and can accept a harder taste, you can choose “durum wheat whole wheat flour” as the raw material.

And if you don’t put the expectation of supplementing dietary fiber on the pasta, or the digestive function is not very good, and you don’t like the chewy taste, choose the raw material as ” durum wheat flour” is fine.

In addition, friends who have just started to try pasta may have this kind of experience – ordering pasta in a western restaurant with no pictures on the menu, the food served is not the “noodle” you imagined at all. ” looks like…

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

It’s not that we can’t figure it out, but there are so many types of pasta, and the shapes are also very strange.

Think about it and understand it, no matter what country in the world, the love and tossing on the other side is always endless. Just like when foreigners come to us and see hot dry noodles, oil-splashed noodles, dandan noodles, knife-cut noodles, fried sauce noodles on the menu…they are also confused.

We have listed the most common varieties to help you put the name and face on the number-

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Key point: Nutritionally, they are not much different, just buy whichever you want to eat. You can also buy a few more shapes and eat them in different ways, so you don’t get bored.

Now I finally figure out how to buy it, so how much is appropriate for one meal?

Adults recommend eatingFor the dosage, you can refer to the cereals and potatoes in the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents”: A meal should be about 100 grams to 150 grams.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Some readers may ask, I searched the pasta guide on the Internet, and I feel that the seasoning is so complicated! It is also a material that is not commonly used at home.

The suggestion of the institute here is: eat how you want to eat! You can mix the tomato and eggs in a stir-fry dish, we don’t need to worry about whether it is authentic or not!

At this time, there are also pasta lovers who want to ask. I’m tired of eating pasta every day. Is there any other delicious and healthy pasta?


As an entry-level coarse grain with the same low GI and rich nutrition, soba noodles is definitely a favorite of carbohydrate lovers~

In order to save everyone the trouble of choosing back and forth, we will ask food experts to sort out-

6 Soba Recommendations


Low GI Food List

Whether you love coarse grain rice or coarse grain noodles, this recommendation can satisfy you!