Deficiency of the spleen means that a person is half a waste? People with spleen deficiency often have 4 abnormalities in the body, it is time to nourish the spleen

“Running to the toilet five or six times a day,Bloated but unable to pull it out, and also had symptoms of dry mouth, bitterness and loss of appetite strong>, I think you have a deficiency of the spleen!” Xiao Zhang is only 35 years old this year, but recently he has been tossed by some abnormalities in his body and has come to see a Chinese medicine doctor.

He is a hepatitis B virus carrier, but his liver disease has been under stable control. This time he came to the doctor mainly because of constipation.

After listening to Xiao Zhang’s condition, the doctor prescribed some Chinese patent medicine to strengthen the spleen and go back to eat. After taking it for a while, Xiao Zhang’s constipation was relieved. After a few months, the other symptoms gradually disappeared.

As the saying goes, “out of ten people with nine spleen deficiency”, when many people go to Chinese medicine for physical discomfort, they may Everyone will get a reply of “spleen deficiency”. What does “spleen deficiency” mean?

1. The Chinese have “ten people and nine spleen deficiency”, why?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is in charge of transporting and transforming, promoting the spleen and regulating blood. Spleen deficiency is mainly divided into spleen deficiency and spleen yang deficiency:

Spleen deficiencyIt mainly reflects appetite and diet, and the main manifestations are For lack of food, abdominal distension, loose stool;

spleen-yang deficiencyIn addition to the problem of appetite, span>There will also be a series of manifestations of aversion to cold, mainly because the spleen loses its power to transport and transform after yang deficiency, resulting in endogenous cold.

Why do Chinese people have a high incidence of spleen deficiency? Zhao Yan, associate professor of traditional Chinese medicine at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicineexplained that this is related to Chinese diet and muscle strength.

my country is a big agricultural country. Some Chinese people have experienced great changes from insufficient food and clothing to well-off and affluent. In addition, modern people eat too much, or often some fried, spicy, sweet and greasy foods. , too salty and too cold food, will increase the burden on the spleen, leading to spleen dysfunction, resulting in spleen deficiency.

Secondly, Chinese people are naturally weak in muscle strength, and overwork or overwork will affect the health of the spleen. In the past, the people of the country lived by labor, and they were often overworked, so it was easy to consume their temper. But now people’s physical activity has dropped sharply, from overwork to overwork, and the use of it will also weaken the spleen and lead to the occurrence of spleen deficiency.

In addition, now people are generally too stressed, overthinking will damage the spleen, To a certain extent, it will also increase the probability of spleen deficiency.

Second, spleen deficiency often has these four manifestations, how many have you hit?

There is a saying that “if the spleen is deficient, a human being is equivalent to half of it”, why?

Because spleen deficiency will affect the health of the whole body, once the spleen fails, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys will be affected span>, causing related diseases. Therefore, if the following abnormalities occur in the body, it may indicate a deficiency of the spleen, and it is time to strengthen the spleen.

1. Thickened tongue coating

The tongue of people with spleen deficiency will be fatter and easier to Squeeze with the teeth to form tooth marks, and the tongue coating will become thick, greasy and slippery. If you find that your the tongue coating has thickened, the color is white, and there are teeth marks on the edge of the tongue, it is often because of spleen deficiency.

2. Stool is sticky and shapeless

The stool of healthy people is generally yellow Brown, shaped like a banana. However, if the body has spleen deficiency and abnormal water metabolism in the body, it will lead to loose stools.The stool will become sticky and difficult to form.

3. Chest tightness and shortness of breath

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and lung interact, and lung qi Deficiency is often accompanied by spleen deficiency, and spleen deficiency can also weaken the lungs. If the lungs lose nutrients to a certain extent, shortness of breath is prone to occur.

If you wake up in the morning with chest tightness, shortness of breath, and sometimes dizziness, usually shortness of breath, especially when exercising. It is urgency, it means your spleen is deficient.

4. Loss of appetite

The main function of the spleen is to digest and absorb food and water, and then convert these substances into nutrients to provide energy for the body’s metabolism. When the spleen is deficient, there will be problems with the digestive function, resulting in decreased appetite.

There are also some people whose appetite is not affected and have a strong sense of hunger, but they will feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating , this is also a manifestation of spleen deficiency.

In addition, Shi Dazhuo, vice president of Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, reminded that there are some “hidden” symptoms of spleen deficiency, such as oral ulcers, constipation and menstruation. Small quantities and more.

Third, if you want to keep your “spleen” good, keep these 5 points in mind

Prevention is worse than cure, rather than waiting until symptoms of spleen deficiency appear To improve the method, it is better to start strengthening the spleen and nourish the “spleen” qi now.

  • Diet should be quantitative and timed

three meals timed and quantitative , Don’t overeating, avoid eating cold, greasy food, you can eat some foods that strengthen the spleen, such as yam, millet, longan, dried tangerine peel, lotus seed meat, white lentils, Gorgon, etc., you can use these ingredients to cook porridge to eat.

  • It is advisable to exercise regularly and combine work and rest

Cultivate the good habit of regular exercise, choose an exercise that can exercise the muscles of the limbs according to your own situation, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., and every day persist in. At the same time, work and rest should be combined to avoid excessive fatigue.

  • Avoid greasy food

The spleen “likes dryness and dislikes” “Wet”, and greasy food is easy to get wet, so the diet should be light and avoid too greasy.

  • Avoid staying up late

Staying up too late will consume gas and hurt Jin, leading to weakness of the spleen and stomach. If you have spleen deficiency, you are more likely to experience abdominal distension, poor appetite, and even diarrhea after staying up late. Therefore, if you want to nourish the spleen, you must ensure the time and quality of sleep, and avoid staying up late.

  • Avoid overthinking

Overthinking, emotional If it is not smooth, it will easily lead to stagnation of liver qi, which will damage the spleen and stomach and affect the digestive system. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy spleen, you must maintain a good mood and learn to decompress yourself. You can try to relax your body and mind through meditation and meditation.

Modern people have a refined diet, often eating too full, and like to eat salty and spicy food , cold and other stimulating food, and the night life is colorful, so the spleen will be damaged, and the symptoms of spleen deficiency will appear.

Loss of appetite, fatigue, and occasional diarrhea are common symptoms of spleen deficiency. If you want to improve spleen deficiency and keep your spleen healthy, you must pay attention to your diet, eat less greasy and cold food, eat more spleen-healthy food, exercise every day, combine work and rest, and avoid staying up late and overthinking.


[1]Nine out of ten people have spleen deficiency, why are there so many people with spleen deficiency? TCM experts tell the truth! .Health Times.2021-05-24

[2]Received 3 “signals”, indicating that your spleen is deficient, don’t take it seriously. Family Doctor Online.2018-10-25

[3] The most likely thing for Chinese people to be “deficient” is not the kidneys. It’s time to have a “temper”. Reproduction is prohibited without the author’s permission