Dangerous! Zhang Wenhong issued a warning! Something beyond human cognition happened! This vaccine is in trouble..

1Mystery beyond human cognitionHepatitis Approaching! The vaccine found in the UK has the potential to cause….

According to Pengbai News, the latest clinical study by German scientists found: The American Pfizer vaccine may cause immune hepatitis.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded on the media and the Internet.

There has been a sudden outbreak of mysterious hepatitis in many countries around the world in recent days, and many of those suffering from mysterious hepatitis are children Most of them, which makes people exclaim, After the new crown epidemic has focused on the elderly, is this mysterious hepatitis targeting children again?

And now that the new crown epidemic is over, it suddenly broke out in many countries around the world. Mysterious hepatitis has caused concern in many countries around the world!

According to Red Star News, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said that as of April 26, local time, Nearly 200 cases have been reported worldwide, most cases are concentrated in Europe. Currently, the disease has emerged in 13 countries


●According to China News Service, citing Japan’s “Yomiuri Shimbun”, on the 28th, Japan The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare said 2 new cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause were reported in the country. The news said that 2 patients developed symptoms such as diarrhea and general fatigue. So far, Japan has reported 3 suspected cases of the disease.

Some people ask, is this finding in Germany related to the unexplained hepatitis in children currently reported in many countries?

According to the documents of the CDC, WHO and other institutions in the United States, as many as 190 cases of unexplained hepatitis in children have been reported in many countries around the world, including 1 case died, and many cases required liver transplantation. What is the cause of this mysterious hepatitis?

Although the mechanism of its occurrence is currently unclear, the earliest cases appeared in the fall of 2021, and after research, it is currently believed that it is related to the Virus 41 infection may be related, No relationship was found between 2019-nCoV infection and vaccination.

Therefore, the CDC recommends that adenovirus testing should be performed when similar childhood hepatitis cases are found.

In addition, according to the UK Health Safety Agency, another factor may be age-related. Infants have milder symptoms after contracting the virus, but older children are more likely to have severe reactions after infection.

It is reported that adenovirus can spread from person to person and cause a series of colds, pink eye, gastroenteritis, etc. disease, but adenoviruses are rarely thought to cause severe hepatitis in healthy people.

2Zhang Wenhong on Unexplained Hepatitis in Children

“Huashan Infection” public account

Posted an introduction to the UK and other places

Children’s hepatitis of unknown etiology

development and possible etiology


The article points out that the risk of imported hepatitis in children of unknown originRisk, our country should prepare for this early. At the same time, Zhang Wenhong, director of the National Medical Center for Infectious Diseases and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, also commented on the unexplained childhood hepatitis in the article.

He said that cases of unexplained hepatitis occur every year and often refer to liver damage caused by a known hepatitis virus or a known cause, which is not uncommon in children. However,the unexplained hepatitis that WHO is concerned about this time has the characteristics of clustered incidence, and the incidence rate exceeds that of previous years. In this case, it is reasonable to consider the risk of infectious diseases.

Zhang Wenhong said that there is a certain correlation with adenovirus infection. But adenovirus infection is a very common phenomenon that can cause pneumonia or diarrhea. Why are there so many cases of severe hepatitis this year, and only in children?

At present, it is speculated that it is long-term isolation of the new crown, and children have not been exposed to this virus for a long time. Sudden exposure is associated with more severe immune damage, which is consistent with the fact that emerging infectious diseases tend to be heavier in the early stages of disease outbreaks.

Zhang Wenhong believes that if it is caused by the long-term isolation of the new crown, rather than the new virus that has not been discovered before. However, we still need to be vigilant about unknown pathogens, even if the outbreak of this new infectious disease is serious The probability of popularity is not high. In addition, the current definition of a confirmed case is constantly being updated as awareness grows.

3What are some prevention tips?

WHO recommends

normal hygiene measures

Examples such as thorough handwashing (including supervised handwashing of children)

helps to reduce the risk of disease including adenovirus

The spread of many common viral infections

Experts from the UK Health Security Agency and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise parents and guardians Be vigilant about the presence of hepatitis symptoms in children. In addition, good hand and respiratory hygiene and supervising young children to wash their hands thoroughly can help reduce adenovirus transmission.

Professor Peter Collignon, an Australian infectious disease expert, believes that in the short term, the A family’s best protection is to keep them away from other people who are sick and to practice good hygiene.

In addition, an unexplained case of childhood hepatitis in Beijing was reported on the Internet. The Health and Health Commission has verified that this is false information. In response to the recent reports of related cases abroad, in order to prevent problems before they occur, and to protect the health and life safety of children in the capital area to the greatest extent, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission issued the “Notice on Strengthening the Treatment of Unexplained Hepatitis Cases in Children” “, the purpose is to remind relevant medical institutions to increase their vigilance, and if such cases occur, the cause should be identified as soon as possible and the treatment should be strengthened.

Source: CCTV News, China News, Red Star News, Beijing News 、 Daily Economic News

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