Dangerous lumps don’t cry “pain”! 4 swollen spots may signal cancer

Life Times (Search “LT0385” in WeChat to interview authoritative experts, to follow) You identify the appearance and common locations of dangerous lumps.

Experts interviewed

The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University Otolaryngology Deputy Chief Physician Wang Zhangfeng

Chief Physician of Hematology and Oncology Center of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital Liu Yao

Cheng Ping, Chief Physician of Department of Hematology, Wuhan First Hospital< /p>

Why the lymph is swollen when it is said to be swollen?

Under normal circumstances, the superficial lymph nodes in the human body are very small, about 2 to 5 mm each. Swelling “more than 1 cm, it can be felt in the neck, armpit, groin (root of thigh), etc.

  • In order to prevent the spread of inflammation, the lymphocytes in the lymph nodes will quickly resist and proliferate. Swelling occurs. After the inflammation subsides, the size of the lymph nodes tends to return to normal.

  • Lumps can also develop if lymph nodes are occupied by tumor cells, including lymphomas and what we often call “metastases.”

  • no pain

    Enlarged lymph nodes are an “alarm device” that reminds everyone that a judgment needs to be made as soon as possible.

    Inflammatory lymphadenopathy, often painful

    Among the causes of swollen lymph nodes, the most common is inflammation, usually caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as upper respiratory tract infection, suppurative tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

    Inflammatory lymphadenopathy, accompanied by pain and tenderness, generally no more than 2-3 cm in diameter, soft in texture, well-defined, regular in shape, and good in activity .

    After the inflammation is eliminated, most of the swollen lymph nodes will also subside, which takes about a few days to two weeks.

    Lumps caused by tumors, usually painless

    The lymph node enlargement caused by neoplastic diseases is second only to inflammation, which can be divided into lymph node metastasis of hematolymphatic system tumors and solid tumors.

    Among the former, lymphoma is the most common, which can lead to multiple or single lymph node enlargement in the whole body. Some patients also have hepatosplenomegaly and abnormal liver enzymes.

    When solid tumors such as gastric cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer have lymph node metastasis, they can also lead to lymph node enlargement.

    These swollen lymph nodes are generally painless, firm to the touch, irregular in shape, less mobile, and progressive Enlargement, then fusion and fixation appear.

    4 parts are swollen, don’t be careless

    From the perspective of location, abnormal lymph nodes in different parts often indicate that different meanings.

    Enlarged lymph nodes caused by malignant tumors often appear in the neck, above and below the collarbone, armpits and groin, Among them, when the neck and collarbone are swollen Be especially vigilant when lumps appear above and below.

    • Submandibular lymph nodes The swelling is mostly related to inflammation of the mouth and cheeks, and is common in infections of the nose, pharynx, and tonsils.

    • Enlarged preauricular lymph nodes, often on the eyelids, cheeks, ears Temporal inflammation.

    • The left supraclavicular lymph node is enlarged, which is more common in gastrointestinal tumor metastasis, such as gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer.

    • The right supraclavicular lymph node is enlarged, which can be seen in lung cancer, bronchial lung cancer, and esophageal cancerlymph node metastasis.

    • Axillary lymph nodes are swollen, mostly due to inflammation in the breast, upper limbs, shoulders and back, or lymph node metastasis of breast cancer.

    • Inguinal lymphadenopathy, mostly in the lower extremities, lower abdomen, and vulva Inflammation of the abdomen, or lymph node metastasis of abdominal tumors.

    • Swelling of popliteal lymph nodes is usually caused by skin inflammation in the feet or lower legs.

    The primary channels for pathogens to invade the human body are the oral cavity and respiratory tract. The “first stop” of swollen lymph nodes is often the neck, and then spreads to the Underarm and groin.

    There is an “80% rule” for neck lumps:

    • 20% of lesions in neck masses originate from the thyroid gland, and 80% originate from extrathyroidal origin;

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    • 20% are congenital and inflammatory masses, and about 80% are neoplastic masses;

    • 20% are benign, 80% may be Malignant tumors;

    • malignant tumors, 20% are cervical primary, and about 80% are metastatic ;

    • in metastatic tumors, 20% of the primary tumors are below the head and neck, and more than 80% originate from the head and neck.

    Hu Bijie, professor and chief physician of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said, If people over 40 years old find supraclavicular lymph nodes If the tumor is enlarged, the possibility of malignant tumor metastasis should be considered first. The left supraclavicular lymph node enlargement is common in abdominal malignancies, and the right side common malignancies in the thoracic and above structures.

    Top 5 things to do to protect your lymph nodes

    Excessive stress and fatigue Excessive, chronic infection, etc. will slowly overdraft the lymph. To protect lymph, we must start from the details of life.

    Learn to self-examine

    In life, you can often self-examine the lymph nodes, especially the neck and collarbone , armpits, groin and other parts.

    During self-examination, use the pulp of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger to touch and lightly press the surface of the lymph node to feel the size, texture, Whether there is tenderness, can you move, etc. Be careful not to pinch with your thumb and index finger.

    Release stress in a timely manner

    Overwork is extremely unfriendly to the lymph nodes. Learn to rest and release stress. Escape combined.

    Try to avoid immunocompromised

    anything that causes immunity The reason for the decrease in strength is damage to the lymph. Bad habits such as staying up late, anxiety, and some autoimmune diseases can lead to decreased immunity.

    Persistent exercise and regular work and rest can help regulate immune function. It is recommended to do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week, with no less than 30 minutes each time; go to bed no later than 23:00 every night.

    Preventing chronic infections

    Certain bacterial and viral (such as Epstein-Barr virus) infections are often considered Risk factors for lymphatic abnormalities. In case of gingivitis and skin infection, it should be treated in time to avoid chronic infection as much as possible.

    Regular physical examination is essential

    The abnormality of superficial lymph nodes can be found by touching with hands. Deep lymph nodes are swollen and require regular physical examinations to detect. Try to ensure that annual B-ultrasound examination.

    Editor of this issue: Zheng Ronghua

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