Dalian Jinpu New District: The total number of confirmed and to-be-confirmed cases may exceed 100

Jinpu New District citizens and friends:

Now, it is necessary to tell you a few words about the epidemic prevention situation in the new district. The situation is very serious, but we have to speak calmly about specific matters.

1. The first round of nucleic acid testing for all staff in the new district has ended, and the second round is in progress. The total number of confirmed and about-to-be-confirmed cases may exceed 100. The most severe test for us since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019, everyone must be aware of the difficult situation we are facing.

Second, many people do not know the transmission characteristics of the Ormicron strain, and we may not be able to deal with it with our past experience in epidemic prevention, because it spreads too fast, Everyone has seen the devastation it has caused all over the world, especially in some provinces and cities in China, so we must be faster than it.

United action and one heart are the advantages that our people in the new area are proud of. We just want to play a quick team battle and compete with Omi Kron. Nucleic acid screening should be tested quickly, positive cases should be quickly transported, and close contacts should be quickly isolated. The demarcated sealing and control areas, control areas and prevention areas, these three areas have different regulations, and they need everyone’s real cooperation and follow the requirements to be in place.

Third, the social dimension required by the Party Central Committee and the State Council should be cleared, which means that everyone can truly do it if they take care of themselves, so people in the closed and controlled areas must do it If you stay at home, people in the control area should not leave the control area, and people in the prevention area should wear masks, do not gather, and do not leave the new area unless necessary.

Fourth, these few days are a critical period, please be sure to cooperate well.

Dalian Jinpu New Area

New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

March 16, 2022

Published by Jinpu

Editor Hu Decheng

Process Editor Wu Yue