Cooperate with antigen and nucleic acid testing, keep these 6 key issues in mind

Currently, Shanghai is promoting a new round of nucleic acid screening work. The main task is to completely eliminate risk points, cut off the chain of transmission, curb the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, and realize social The face is dynamically cleared. According to the Municipal Health and Health Commission, according to the previous nucleic acid screening, the city will conduct an antigen test in the city on April 3, and a nucleic acid test in the city on April 4. The Municipal Health and Health Commission reminded that before and after sampling, citizens should cooperate in the following tasks.

1. Registration and screenshot before nucleic acid test p>

Citizen friends in the Health Cloud APP or applet When choosing nucleic acid testing services, you must register in advance and save the QR code with a screenshot, and pay attention to the accuracy and completeness of information registration. If there are elderly and children at home, adults are also invited to help register and save it in advance.

2. When sampling, go downstairs at staggered peaks and keep a distance of 2 meters

Go to the testing site in an orderly manner under the guidance of staff and volunteers, wear masks, implement a 2-meter distance, do not talk or gather, and do not eat. By batches, buildings, and time periods, the gathering of people in a short period of time can be reduced to avoid cross-infection.

3. If the antigen test is positive, report it in time

Everyone must strictly follow the operation instructions and operation video when testing. If you find that your antigen test result is positive, please report to the village neighborhood committee as soon as possible and wait at home, and the staff will arrange for you to undergo a nucleic acid test review.

4. If the test is negative, it will be disposed of as dry garbage; if the test is positive, it will be handed in when it is transferred.

The nasal swabs, sampling tubes, test cards and other wastes after the antigen self-test should be put into airtight bags, and those with negative results should be put into dry garbage after disinfection. In the barrel; the positive result will be handed over to the medical institution for disposal as medical waste when the personnel are transported.

5, Registered antigen test results can use “Immunity Test”

Currently, the “Suishen QR Code” has launched an antigen test result query service, and the “Epidemic Test Da” applet provides online registration. The specific method is to open WeChat, search for the “epidemic testda” applet, and click “new crown antigen test – go to record” (the “epidemic testda” Alipay applet will also be launched soon).

6. Don’t panic when your neighbor is “yang”

If you know that there is a neighbor antigen or nucleic acid test in your building Positive, don’t panic first, wait for the notification from the relevant departments. During this period, pay attention to the environment and ventilation, try not to go out, wear a mask in the next floor, take the elevator at staggered peaks, and keep a safe distance from others.

Of course, the corridor If there is a positive infection in the country, do not discriminate or criticize at will, and do not spread the personal information of others on the Internet. Our common enemy is the virus, not the infected.

Source: Xinmin Evening News

Editor: Gu Jiali