Continued high temperature, seize the 1 major selling point and 6 major compatibility of Dendrobium, so that summer is no longer the off-season for pharmacies

National Climate Center monitoring data It shows that since June (as of July 12), the national average number of high temperature days was 5.3 days, the most in the same period in history since 1961. At the same time, news of heat stroke and heat stroke injuries caused by high temperature weather are also emerging one after another. Heatstroke prevention has become the focus of summer health care.


To speak of Chinese herbs suitable for summer heatstroke prevention take a seat. Summer is the best time to use Dendrobium.

If pharmacists can master the efficacy of Dendrobium and its compatibility in summer, they will be able to help more customers in need.

Why dendrobium is suitable for summer

gold Zhu Danxi, a representative of the Nourishing Yin School of the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty, believed that “Yin is often insufficient in human beings, and yang is often in excess, and yin deficiency is difficult to treat.” In summer, the weather is hot, and the heat will force the body to leak out, and sweat will damage the yin, which will cause the body to have two qi and yin. Loss, injuring yin and robbery liquid, so Nourishing yin and clearing summer heat is the basic rule to prevent summer heat.


And Dendrobium is a nourishing yin medicine listed in the herbal monographs It has the functions of nourishing yin, promoting body fluid, clearing heat and relieving pain. It also has the functions of nourishing kidney and liver and strengthening tendons. It can be used to relieve heatstroke, heat stroke and stomach problems. As well as the symptoms of fever and polydipsia, dry mouth, noisy stomach, red tongue and less fluid due to deficiency of liver and kidney.

In addition, compared with other nourishing traditional Chinese medicines, Dendrobium is sweet and slightly cold, which is suitable for summer tonic. Sudden supplementation increases the burden and causes problems such as getting angry. It is a good choice for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat.

How to use Dendrobium well in summer?

The main components of Dendrobium are alkaloids, polysaccharides and amino acids. In addition to amino acids, which are soluble in water, alkaloids and polysaccharides are generally insoluble in water, so The recommended method of use is to slowly boil them in hot water, so that the medicinal materials can increase their interaction with water. The contact surface is soaked in water by a fine file to promote the separation of components and enhance its effect.

The following introduces several Dendrobium formulations for summer health care, which are convenient for joint recommendation to customers in need.


// Nourishing Yin and Clearing Heat – Dendrobium + Artemisia annua


Summer heat injures yin and consumes qi, and the damage of yin fluid can lead to deficiency of stomach yin and affect the spleen and stomach, which in turn affects the body’s ability to accept, transport and transform. This summer, the high temperature period is long, and the summer heat hurts people frequently. It is particularly important to nourish the yin and clear the heat. Dendrobium nourishes yin and promotes body fluid, nourishes qi and clears heat, and artemisia annua clears heat and removes dampness, and its fragrance dispels turbidity. The combination of the two medicines can make people spend the summer in peace.

In addition to summer, this formula is also suitable for the deficiency of body fluid and yin caused by autumn dryness, intense internal heat, dry mouth, polydipsia, and dry tongue and lack of fluid.


// Qi and Yin-Dendrobium + Astragalus

The hot summer is easy to consume Qi and damage the body fluid. Such customers will show profuse sweating, lack of energy, and often feel tired, lethargic and other symptoms of qi deficiency. At the same time of clearing heat and nourishing yin, qi is also needed.

Astragalus is often used to invigorate Qi and strengthen the body, and it is not stagnant. The combination of the two is suitable for insufficiency of Qi and Yin, persistent low-grade fever, fatigue, etc.


// Nourishing Yin and removing dampness – Dendrobium + Reed Root span>

In addition to the heat, the summer weather is more humid due to the rain, and the human body will also experience drowsiness and weakness due to the heat and humidity. Reed Root is sweet and juicy, can clear away heat and diuresis, stop vomiting and eliminate vexation, nourish yin and produce body fluid, infiltrate dampness and diuretic water. Combined with Dendrobium, the effect of nourishing yin and clearing away heat will be even better.

So, people with high heat and thirst in summer, dampness resistance, moderate burnt, and greasy tongue coating can try the combination of these two flavors.


// Xiaqiu Qingbu – Dendrobium + American Ginseng

The summer heat and autumn dryness in summer and autumn will both damage body fluids, causing the body to lose both qi and yin, causing five upsets and heat, fatigue and exhaustion. It is necessary to nourish yin and replenish qi.

At this time, tonic emphasizes “clearing and nourishing”. Dendrobium and American ginseng can can not only promote body fluid and stomach, clear heat and nourish yin, but also nourish qi and promote body fluid.< /strong>The two medicines are compatible and their effects complement each other.


// Nourishing Yin and calming the Liver——Dendrobium+Shi Cassia etc.< /p>

Shi Cassia is the shell of abalone, such as nine-hole abalone or Panda abalone.

Decoction with Dendrobium and Mulberry (Shi Cassia first), It has the effect of nourishing yin and calming liver, clearing heat and improving eyesight and reducing blood pressure< /strong>, suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with high blood pressure, dizziness and blurred vision.


// nourishing yin and moisturizingLung – Dendrobium + Lily, etc.

In the late summer and early autumn, the dryness and heat in autumn can easily lead to yin deficiency dry cough caused by lung dryness and yin injury , dry mouth and throat and dry cough embolism. Decoction of dendrobium with lily, ginseng and coltsfoot can achieve the effect of nourishing yin, moistening lung and relieving cough.

In the actual store work, we also have many usages and compatibility of Dendrobium that can be recommended to customers, all of which are based on the effect of Dendrobium to clear heat and nourish yin. , and use it together with other Chinese herbal medicines to achieve better and more effects.

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(This article is for professional reference only)

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