Confirmed cases on the island remain high, British media warn: “This summer may detonate an unprecedented mortality rate”

Source: World Wide Web

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] The number of confirmed cases on the island remains high, with 44,294 new local cases on the 8th, 67 imported cases, and 12 deaths. This wave of epidemics hit a new high. The local epidemic is still the most severe in New Taipei City, with 17,948 new cases on the 8th.

The British “Daily Telegraph” warned that Taiwan’s confirmed cases soared from hundreds to tens of thousands in a single day in just a few weeks, and it was facing the dire prospect of a vertical infection trajectory, “before this summer. Fear of detonating an unprecedented death rate.”

Senior media person Zhao Shaokang couldn’t stand it any longer. On the evening of the 7th, he published an article detailing the various drawbacks of the Tsai Ing-wen authorities since the outbreak of the epidemic. He bluntly said that Taiwan needs nothing in terms of anti-epidemic materials, “The year before last, it required masks but no masks. Last year, it required vaccines but no vaccines. This year, fast screening is required, but there is no fast screening. The number of confirmed diagnoses has increased sharply. There is no isolation area in the isolation area, and soon there will be no hospital beds and no medicines.” Taipei City Councilor Luo Zhiqiang said on the 8th that while the global epidemic is cooling down, the number of newly diagnosed cases in Taiwan has soared to the second place in the world on the 7th, and according to the authorities’ estimates, the number of daily confirmed cases will rise sharply, “becoming the number one in the world.” It will probably be in a couple of days.” He said that the lives of the people in recent days cannot be exaggerated even if they are described as “distressed”. “In the past two years, the Tsai government has adopted the ‘Four Insufficient’ Buddhist system of epidemic prevention, not enough quick screening, not enough drugs, not enough PCR, and not enough hospital beds.”

In the face of the continued increase in the local epidemic situation on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China said that it could assist in the procurement of rapid screening reagents, but the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council instead smeared the mainland and took the opportunity to divide Taiwan. Kuomintang “legislator” Li Guimin angrily criticized on the 8th, “Politics is more important than epidemic prevention, politics is more important than the people, and a domineering government that does not take the safety of the people as its own responsibility is really a disaster for the people.”