Conditioning Your Children’s Vision Experience | Dong Junzuo

Write in front:When we were young, there were at most two or three children in a class who wore glasses. But now, more than half of the kids in a class are wearing glasses. Peking University Institute of Child and Adolescent Health surveyed primary and middle school students in 6 provinces and cities and found that, More than 50% of children have different degrees of myopia. The myopia rate of high school students is more than 80%. 4 years old, 650 degrees of astigmatismI have twin sons, just like me , their eyes are big. As a father, my requirements are not high, and I only hope that my two sons can grow up healthy and healthy. However, when they were 4 years old, they were found to have vision problems in the routine physical examination of the kindergarten. The result of the examination was that the child had a high degree of astigmatism of 650 degrees. The ophthalmologist told me with great certainty that my child’s vision is irreversible and will need to be corrected by wearing glasses for life. I cannot accept this result. The day when the children’s big eyes wore glasses, it seemed to cast a shadow on my heart. “Is it really impossible to take it off?” I asked myself countless times during that time. I asked myself, I have been practicing TCM for nearly 20 years and have cured many intractable diseases, but what can I do about my child’s myopia? I don’t want to accept my fate. In those few years, I always thought of the phrase: “Sickness is not something that the human body has If you have it, you can get rid of it, and if you can’t control it, you can’t get it.”, I think, maybe I just haven’t found the right way for the time being. Finally, after 6 years of groping, I have come to understand the method of conditioning children in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine. In July 2018, I concentrated on conditioning the children. One month later, their uncorrected visual acuity reached 4.9. I don’t believe this result myself. After a period of continuous conditioning and consolidation. After a few months, the children’s vision remained at 5.0, all without their glasses. Since then, the irreversible spell of children’s vision has been broken. cause of myopia strong>Insufficient yang qi can’t reach itThe “Eye Lun” says, “Those who can be nearsighted but not farsighted, have yang qi. Insufficient qi, more yin qi.” Myopia, amblyopia or astigmatism, all of which can see the near places clearly, but cannot see the far places clearly, the root cause is the lack of yang qi. I wear glasses and use tools to temporarily correct my vision, but it cannot solve the problem of insufficient yang energy. On the contrary, if you don’t pay enough attention to your body, the degree of glasses will keep getting higher and higher, and you will wear glasses all your life. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insufficient liver blood, insufficient kidney qi, or insufficient yang qi, such as spleen deficiency, may cause the eyes to not see clearly, and once wearing glasses Afterwards, the eyes will self-blind themselves, compensatory thinking that they are good. Especially for children, the eyes are still developing. Wearing glasses too early will hinder the judgment of the body and also hinder the activation of the body’s self-healing ability. So fundamentally, what we need to do is to help children improve yang , we have to believe The human body’s self-healing ability, as long as the correct method is selected, the speed and degree of children’s vision recovery are far beyond that of adults. Restore the child’s yang qiFocus on the tune first Spleen and StomachSince the quality of the eyes is related to the five internal organs, it means that the yang qi is insufficient, so why is the yang qi insufficient? This is the imbalance of yin and yang in the child’s body during the rise and fall of the qi machine. The human body’s qi originally rises from the left and descends on the right. When this qi machine rises and falls out of balance, the yang qi cannot rise and the yin qi cannot descend, which will lead to insufficient yang qi on the head and face. Therefore, in order to restore the child’s yang qi and harmonize the five internal organs, the key is to adjust the spleen and stomach and adjust the qi machine Up and down.“Four Sacred Heart Sources: The Root Cause of Eye Disease” says: “Those with eye disease are above the Qingyang decline. The rise and fall of the clear and the turbid depends entirely on the soil. When the water and wood rise with the earth to the left, the yin becomes the clear yang. ”So as long as the spleen and stomach are properly regulated, and the spleen and stomach can function normally, the five internal organs can coexist harmoniously and the yang qi can rise Regulating the spleen and stomach is also a circular movement to restore the body’s qi machine.The common methods of regulating the spleen and stomach are chiropractic and abdominal rubbing, which can be done every day. Do it for the child. In addition, in order to let the Qi run smoothly with the tendons and meridians, we can also strengthen the combing of the spleen and stomach meridians, especially the legs, using scraping, moxibustion, massage and other methods. .Repair the human body of the Ren and Du meridians at the same time< span>The above is the circular movement of the human body’s qi rising from the left to the right. In fact, there is another circular movement in the human body, that is, the second Ren-du meridian. The Ren meridian passes through the top of the head to the Du meridian at the back, and then reaches the Ren meridian in the front, which circles the body. This circular movement does not run smoothly, for example, the head, face, back occiput, and back are blocked, which will also cause the blood to not flow well to the head, resulting in vision problems.To restore the circular motion of the Ren and Du meridians, we must first unblock the eye area, because the eye area is the passage of yang qi in and out. The starting points of the foot yang meridian are distributed around the eyes , Jingming is the starting point of the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang, Chengqi is the starting point of the stomach meridian, and Tongziliao is the starting point of the gallbladder meridian. To adjust the eyesight, we must carefully comb these places.< span>Secondly, to unblock the posterior occipital region, “the top belongs to the brain, and the back is out of the middle”, this part of the vision is adjusted It is also very important. There is a special scraping plate for the posterior occipital area called Neck Cong Scraping. After scraping the nuchal cluster, the most common effect is clear head and eyesight.< span>If the child has no major problems with vision now, or has a little myopia at an early stage, as long as you can insist on massaging around the eye sockets and scraping off the nuchal plexus, and loosening the tight area of ​​the back occiput, the vision will basically recover faster. Finally, moxibustion can be done at Shangen point. All yang meets on the face, clear yang qi walks on the eyes, and the root of the mountain between the eyes can just play a role in the harmony and transformation of yin and yang. When giving moxibustion to the Shangen point for children, you must do warm moxibustion, and the temperature must not be too high, because if you want to replenish yang, and want to circulate qi and blood, it must be warm. Easy to get angry. Also, pay attention to safety.   During the conditioning process, the glasses should be changed in time according to the situation span>If your child is short-sighted now, generally children under the age of 16 within 500 degrees, don’t worry too much, as long as you insist on conditioning, the child may take off the glasses. My kids started out with 650 degrees and it took me years to get to 425 degrees before I knew the right way. The reason why it was so slow was because I didn’t find the key to the conditioning method at that time, plus I always wore glasses for them, and after the naked eye vision improved, I didn’t replace the glasses in time, which seriously affected the curative effect. (Before the child’s vision returns to 4.8, you should pay attention to the child’s vision in time, and replace the glasses in time. After returning to 4.8, you can take off the glasses and continue conditioning.) July 18 It was only during the summer vacation that I realized this. It was just a good opportunity for my children to not have to go to class, and I would continue to treat them. After about three weeks of conditioning, the children’s vision improved to 4.9-5.0. After the start of school, the pressure of studying is relatively high, and I am also worried that the children’s eyesight will soon decline. Somewhat apprehensive. Some time ago, during the routine physical examination at school, the child’s naked eye vision was still 5.0, and the inner anxiety was finally put down. Not only that, but most importantly, my The child’s overall physical fitness has also improved, and there are few minor illnesses such as colds and fever. Of course, another point is also very important, I usually do daily maintenance for my child, for example, urge him to do eye exercises and play less Electronic products, develop good eye habits, etc. Afterwards, I continued to treat many children with vision problems, but I felt that I was not doing enough. Because I am also a parent, I know what parents care about. I hope that you can also improve your children’s physical fitness through your own efforts and let your children take off their glasses earlier. So, I gladly accepted the invitation of Dad Sheep to develop this myopia conditioning course. If you still have doubts and think the theory looks complicated, will it be difficult to learn? In fact, the theory is for everyone to understand, and it is not difficult to operate. There are only three steps of basic conditioning, core conditioning and auxiliary conditioning. Finally, please remember that children under the age of 16 and under 500 degrees may take off their glasses. I wish all children in the world get rid of vision problems and the suffering of glasses. Course Learning Feedback:After this vision class co-operated by Dad Sheep and Teacher Dong is on the shelves, if you have sheep powder, you will study hard, and then use this method to improve your child’s eyesight There has been a marked improvement. Feedback from goat powder mothers More time during summer vacation. Hope your child will also benefit from this program. SpeakerMr. Dong Junzuo span>Born in a family of traditional Chinese medicineRepresentative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage project “Dong’s Medicine”Traditional Chinese Medicine PhysicianCourse Duration Open once, learn foreverSuitable for people Parents of children under the age of 16 with vision problemsParents of frail childrenParents who want to prevent their children from myopia in advanceRelevant medical staff< /span>Learning FeesScan QR code to consult “Questions and Answers” Text | Dong JunzuoIllustrator | Jasmine & Stone Forest