Common mistakes in children’s teeth straightening

Uneven teeth not only affect the appearance, but also may affect oral health and oral function, so more and more people choose orthodontics. However, in the face of the problem of correcting their children’s uneven teeth, parents still have these misunderstandings.

Fanyi Hou, a doctor at the Jiulongpo Institution of the Dental Brand chain in Chongqing, said that parents’ misunderstandings about orthodontics are mostly due to insufficient dental knowledge and excessive belief in unproven rumors.

Myth 1: You need to be 12 years old before you can get orthodontic treatment.

Hou Fanyi believes that this statement is not completely correct. If not treated in time, it may worsen with age, and the difficulty of treatment may also increase.

Most of children’s buck teeth are caused by bad habits such as sticking out the tongue and mouth breathing. If not corrected in time, the deformity of the teeth will become more and more serious, affecting the appearance and easily causing the child to feel inferior.

Misunderstanding 2: Teeth are easy to loosen after straightening

Tooth straightening is to move the teeth to the proper position, the teeth are slightly loose during the process, but three months after moving to the destination, will return to its pre-treatment stability. Under normal circumstances, regular orthodontic treatment does not cause trauma to the teeth and periodontal tissues. On the contrary, if the child’s teeth are not aligned, it will cause certain harm to the body.

First of all, it will affect the appearance, which may cause certain harm to the child’s psychology; secondly, it will also affect the oral health, which is easy to cause dental caries, periodontal disease, etc.; finally, it will also affect the occlusal relationship and reduce the The ability to chew can even affect the child’s digestive function.

Misunderstanding 3: Tooth extraction must be done for orthodontic treatment. Tooth extraction is harmful to the body

The doctor will formulate the orthodontic plan by adhering to the principle of avoiding tooth extraction as much as possible. Some patients require extractions because their jawbone is insufficient to accommodate all the teeth, resulting in crowding of the teeth. In these cases, space is needed to align the crowded and disorganized teeth, and extractions can provide usable space. However, compared with non-extraction orthodontics, tooth extraction has no obvious harm, and compared with the harm caused by misalignment of teeth, tooth extraction will be more beneficial to the health of teeth.

Misunderstanding 4: You can only eat soft food for orthodontics, and nutrition cannot be guaranteed

You can eat normally during the orthodontic process, you don’t have to be too careful, and there are no special taboos. However, in order to prevent the fixed aligner from falling off, there are several foods that need special attention. For example, nut foods should not be eaten directly, but can be stewed and eaten without shells; bones, chicken legs and other foods with bones should be removed and eaten; foods with cores Need to remove the core to eat the pulp; large pieces of food, such as apples, pears, etc., cut into small pieces to eat; eat less sticky food. (Contributed by Chongqing Dental Doctor)

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