Coming soon! What are the truths of the dog days? Please see the expert interpretation

It is about to enter the dog days. How much do you know about the dog days? For example, in the dog days, you need to drive away the cold, “endure hardships”, and be careful of emotional heatstroke…

These dog days “cold knowledge” or “hot knowledge” should be paid attention to Correct understanding and appropriate practice.

In order to make everyone better for dog days health care, Zhao Lili, honorary director of the pain clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, made a popular science and interpretation of the above statement.





strong> Do you want to drive away the cold in dog days?


In the dog days, people will find cold places invisibly because they can’t stand the hot and dry environment. At the same time, people like to blow air conditioners, drink cold beer, add ice cubes to drinks, take a cold shower… These habits in life are often dismissed by people.

When it is cold in winter, people tend to wear thick clothes for self-protection, so they are not easy to catch cold; in hot summer, they are more likely to catch cold by wearing thin clothes.

Chinese medicine pays attention to nourishing yang in spring and summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter. This also shows the importance of driving away the cold and protecting the yang in the dog days.

Do you need to “endure hardship” in dog days?

Yes, but people with cold stomach, bloating and diarrhea should eat less.

As the saying goes, “hardship in summer is better than tonic”. It probably means that eating more bitter foods in summer is better for the body than eating tonic foods.

The hot summer is the time when anger is most prosperous. Therefore, it is necessary to eat some bitter pure heart fire, such as bitter gourd, bitter chrysanthemum, lotus seed heart, etc., in order to ensure a normal heart qi Operation, emotional stability.

However, the bitter taste is cold, so people with cold stomach, bloating, acid vomiting and diarrhea should pay attention to eating a small amount.

In addition, you can add spicy flavors, such as white pepper, black pepper, mustard, leeks, green onions, ginger, etc., and a balanced diet.

Can you get heat stroke in dog days?


Emotional heatstroke refers to abnormal emotions, such as impatience, anger, etc., that cannot be controlled.

Zhao Lili, for example, recently treated a 21-year-old girl. She has a very good temper and doesn’t quarrel on weekdays, but she quarrelled with others because of irritability on the bus. , this anomaly made her come to see a doctor.

This is due to a strong heart, emotional disorder, or too much pressure recently, which is caused by stagnation. At the same time, dandruff and hair loss may also occur.

How to identify whether you are fiery or not? If you find that your urine is yellow and your tongue is red, it means that your heart is too hot.





1. Sweat a lot to lose weight

Not recommended.

Some girls mistakenly believe that sweating loses several pounds and will not cause harm to the body. This is wrong. Chinese medicine emphasizes that sweat is the juice of the heart, and the heart stores blood vessels. Excessive sweating leads to insufficient essence and blood.

Appropriate sweating is enough. The sweating time is generally maintained for five to ten minutes, and the longest cannot exceed half an hour. When there is dry mouth, dry cough, and fatigue, it means excessive sweating.

2. Pregnant women get cold after giving birth

Pregnant women are weak after giving birth, and they are very weak after a little exercise. It is easy to sweat, and some family members care too much at this time, thinking that the environment is too hot, so they turn on the air conditioner.

In fact, no matter the large or small production, we must beware of the invasion of cold and evil, and the wind of the air conditioner is also the wind of cold and evil. The air conditioner of the maternity room is turned on, while the air conditioner of the maternity room is kept off.

3. Exposure to the sun

Some people bask in the sun too much in order to supplement the yang energy. Under the sun exposure environment, people’s pores open and dissipate air. Moderate supplementation is enough, if it is warm, it is comfortable, and the time and intensity should be just right, not too much.

strong> “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” of Summer Health

Xia Sanyue, this is a fan show. Heaven and earth are intertwined with qi, all things are in full bloom, lie down at night and get up early, never tire of the sun, make ambition without anger, make Huaying become beautiful, make qi vent, if the love is outside, this is the answer to summer qi, the way to nurture longevity. The opposite is sad, the autumn is malaria, the recipients are few, and the winter solstice is seriously ill. ——”The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, Su Wen, The Great Theory of Four Qi Regulations”

It means that in April, May and June in summer, the natural A prosperous and beautiful scene. During this season, the yin and yang of heaven and earth communicate with each other, and all plants bloom and bear fruit.

In order to adapt to this environment, people should go to bed late and get up early in life, not to hate the long day, complain that the weather is too hot, to keep a happy mood instead of being easily excited and anger, the spirit should be as exuberant and exuberant as the natural vegetation, with lush foliage and beautiful flowers. In summer, when the yang heat is strong, the body should sweat a little, so that the yang energy in the body can be released and vented to the outside.

Although the weather is hot, don’t rest in a shady environment for a long time, but take appropriate outdoor activities, as if you are particularly fond of the outdoor environment, this is adaptation” The methods and principles of recuperating with the Qi of “Xia Chang”. If this law is violated, the heart will be hurt, and in the autumn there will be malaria.

Why is this? Because the “long” in summer is the basis for “harvest” in autumn.

If the health is not properly maintained in summer, the “long” Qi is insufficient, and the ability to supply autumn convergence is poor, diseases such as malaria will occur, and when the winter solstice is reached, the disease may be aggravated.