Come to some dry goods: take inventory of those drugs that “see the light and die”

The pharmacology teacher taps on the blackboard:

The clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of many drugs are related to “light”

very few If the injection is not protected from light during infusion, it is not much different from the infusion of “poison”!

If you don’t use sunscreen in time after taking photosensitizing drugs, it is tantamount to leaving the patient with no skin!

Seeing this warning, can you quickly think of which drugs need to be protected from light during infusion? What other medicines should I avoid sun exposure after taking them?

Today, we will make a big inventory for you!

infusion Medications that require protection from light

why Do some drugs need to be protected from light during infusion?

Some drugs have poor stability and are prone to oxidation, decomposition, discoloration and other reactions when exposed to light, especially some chemotherapeutic drugs, which may cause split rings after dissolution , rearrangement, hydrolysis, polymerization, oxidation, isomerization and other complex reactions, the process of the above reactions can be catalyzed under light conditions.

Today,we will classify those that need to be protected from light during infusion according to the different levels of “light protection”. Medication:


Premium Light Protection Drugs

Superior light-proof drugs must be stored in strict light-proof. Use a light-proof infusion set for a limited time of 12 hours, and discoloration is prohibited; when intravenous infusion, the infusion set should be wrapped with aluminum foil or opaque material to protect it from light. Superior light-shielding drugs are mainly: sodium nitroprussidereasons for shielding from light: sodium nitroprusside generates excited state sodium nitroprusside after being irradiated by light . It is then decomposed into potassium ferricyanide hydrate and nitrogen oxides. Potassium ferricyanide hydrate is further decomposed to produce toxic hydrocyanic acid and Prussian blue. Therefore, the injection should be prepared before use, instilled in the dark, and used within 12 hours. If it becomes dark brown, orange or blue, it should be discarded.


< p>First class light shielding drugs

First class light shielding drugs should be strictly avoided Light storage, infusioninfusion before openingaluminumfoil packaging, avoid when withdrawing, dispensing, andinfusion. Light, discoloration disabled. First-class light shielding drugs mainly include: Ofloxacin, Amphotericin B, Doxorubicinstrong >3

Secondary light shielding drugs

Secondary light shielding drugs should be stored in the dark, nowFor current use,medicineliquidchangescolor or deepens, Should be disabled. Can be protected from lightinjectionnote or not in astigmatisminjectionnote. Secondary light-shielding drugs mainly include:nimodipine, water-soluble vitamins, epinephrine, isoproterenol, norepinephrine, dopamine, morphine , carboplatin, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, etc.


Third-level light-shielding drugs

The requirements for third-level light-shielding drugs are the same as those for second-level light-shielding drugs. The main tertiary light shielding drugs are: fat-soluble vitamins, hydrocortisone, prednisone, furosemide, reserpine, procaine hydrochloride, etoposide, docetaxel , ondansetron, fat milk, medium/long chain fat milk, etc. Medications that need sun protection after taking them As it approaches, the sunshine will gradually become longer and more intense. At this time, we should pay special attention to the fact that after taking some drugs, patients cannot enjoy sunbathing or passively accept the “love” of sunlight, because drug-induced photosensitivity reactions may occur. Drug-induced photosensitivity refers to the adverse reaction caused by exposure to ultraviolet light after using a drug. According to the mechanism of occurrence, photosensitivity reactions are divided into two categories: phototoxic reactions and photoallergic reactions. The main clinical manifestations of drug-induced photosensitivity reactionsare:Itching, redspots, water swelling< /span>, severe may cause blisters, and ulceration may form erosions after severe or ulcers. Therefore, while prescribing the “drugs that are prone to photosensitivity reactions after taking them” in the table below, doctors and friends should also do a good job in educating patients. planning | Heer Xiaoshuke submission | @xiangfeiteng@xiangfeiteng span>Title | Station Cool Hero References:1. Drugs and Prevention [J]. Drug Evaluation, 2014, 02: 17~21. 2. Guo Cai’e. Drugs that need to be protected from light in clinic and their use methods [J]. World Latest Medical Information Digest, 2018 (29):158-158.