“Cold” plaster to relieve pain “Hot” plaster to dispel cold

The plaster itself does not have the distinction of “cold” and “hot”, but it only gives people a touch of “cold” and “hot” after contacting the skin, so it is sometimes called a cold plaster or a heat plaster in clinical practice.

The traditional Chinese medicine plaster in the cold sense plaster usually has the words “clearing heat, reducing swelling, and relieving pain”. Flurbiprofen poultice patch. Cold sense plaster is suitable for acute injury pain (such as waist, ankle sprain, etc., manifested as redness, swelling, heat, pain, etc.).

The heat sensation plaster mostly contains words such as “warming the meridians and dispelling cold, dispelling cold and relieving pain, expelling wind and removing dampness”, etc. It is suitable for chronic strain pain, such as chronic lumbar muscle strain, cervical spondylosis, etc. Chronic strain often causes muscle stiffness, manifested as fixed pain, severe pain in the cold, and reduced pain in the heat. Heat sensation plaster can reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.