Cold hands and feet? Tired of insomnia? Afraid of blood deficiency! A recipe, warm and nourish qi and blood, do not get angry

In today’s article, I want to talk to you about qi and blood deficiency.

In the past, I often heard old people say that women have more yin qi and insufficient yang qi, so it is better to wear more clothes and eat more hot food.

But there are many female friends in the outpatient clinic who reported that they wear a lot of usual clothes. After so many years, it is still cold, and they are getting more and more lazy and always feel tired. , and often insomnia… more and more problems.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is a deficiency of qi and blood.

“Huangdi Neijing·Su Wen·Tiaojing Lun” records: “When blood and qi are not in harmony, all diseases are born from changes…”; “Jingyue Quanshu· “Zhu Qi” once said: “Qi is used for all purposes, and if it is not adjusted, everything will be diseased.” Therefore, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood play an important role in the life activities of the human body.

Qi and blood deficiency refers toQi and blood deficiency.

Qi deficiency refers to a problem with the function of the internal organs of the human body, which may be caused by long-term illness, excessive fatigue, or old age and frailty; Blood deficiency refers to the inability of the body’s blood to nourish the muscles and veins in time, which is generally caused by a weak spleen and stomach and excessive thinking.

A lot of friends had the first thought at the time to make up for their physical conclusion that they were deficient in qi and blood, but this was actually wrong.

For a long time, due to our over-reliance on Western medicine for quick results, we basically know little about Chinese medicine. For example, the elderly know that the human body has ‘yang’, but they do not understand the correct theory of qi and blood. Conditioning method, this is not something that can be solved simply by adding a piece of clothing or drinking some hot water.

Many times, the phrase ‘no supplementation for deficiency’ is enough to drink a pot, so sometimes it is better to have no understanding at all.

The word ‘zhong’ in traditional Chinese medicine does not simply refer to China, but can also be understood as the ‘moderate way’ advocated by the Chinese. If you want to get rid of diseases, you must first nurture your body. Medicine must conform to the middle way, the properties of medicines must conform to the middle way, and the human body must also conform to the middle way.

For example, in the seventy-ninth episode of “Dream of Red Mansions”, after Jia Baoyu’s illness and recovery, Jia’s mother ordered “good life and maintenance”, but “after 100 days, Fang Xu moved meat and oily noodles, etc. Therefore, Baoyu ate bland food for a long time;

The 42nd chapter also mentioned that when Wang Xifeng’s daughter Qiaojie had a fever, she asked Jia to come and give it to Jia. When my mother saw the doctor, the doctor said, “As long as you are hungry for two meals, you don’t need to take medicine…”.

The former Baoyu was recovering from her illness, and her qi and blood were inevitably deficient, her physique was weak, and her spleen and stomach function was slow. In general, fasting detoxification is the best solution for the accumulation of food and fever caused by partial eclipse and picky eating.

Similarly, people with deficient qi and blood should not eat greasy and nourishing food. They must eat light, and every meal should be 80% full.

In fact, this is in line with scientific theory. For example, light foods such as vegetables, fish and shrimps, fruits, and miscellaneous grains are easier to be absorbed by the human body. Absorbed and digested, it even requires extra energy to be eliminated.

So, how do you judge whether you are deficient in qi and blood?

Look at it: the tongue is pale and the body is full of teeth Marks

Second look: dull and dull eyes

Third look: large and swollen eye bags

< p data-track="73">Four look: hair grows slowly and is dry and easy to break

Five look: uneven palm color, slow blood color rebound when pressed

< p data-track="75">Six points: cold hands and feet all year round with dry finger pulp

Seven points: nails are small or the meniscus disappears

Eight points: low sleep quality, frequent urination and snoring

Nine points: yellow, blue, red, black skin color

Ten look: chest tightness, shortness of breath, malaise, and drowsiness

If you have most of the symptoms mentioned above, most of them indicate that the body has insufficient qi and blood, then except for me In addition to paying attention to the daily eating habits mentioned, you can also take medicine and food homologous drinks for conditioning.

For those who are deficient in qi and blood, here can tell you a way to replenish qi and blood For the recipe, see:

Dangshen, Atractylodes, Poria, tangerine peel, angelica, licorice, simmer in water.

This is actually the addition and subtraction of the Four Gentlemen Decoction, but with more tangerine peel and angelica, and the ginseng in it is replaced with Codonopsis. The original recipe of Sijunzi Tang: Ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, Licorice.

Here, Codonopsis pilosula invigorates the spleen and replenishes qi, Poria invigorates the spleen and removes dampness, Atractylodes atractylodis No flower, the medicinal properties are calm, and it is not easy to get angry, so it is known as the Four Gentlemen.

Chen Pi regulates qi and dissipates phlegm, and angelica nourishes blood and nourishes blood. Combination of various medicines can strengthen the spleen and dissipate phlegm, nourish qi and nourish blood.

Maybe some friends are only qi deficiency, and some friends are only blood deficiency, such friends are recommended to choose to use under the guidance of the doctor’s syndrome differentiation, and it is not recommended to use drugs blindly.

Ok, that’s all for today.