Closely related to living habits? Daily changes to these 4 behaviors can cut your risk of stomach cancer in half

Stomach cancer cannot be underestimated.

Especially in my country, gastric cancer patients account for almost half of the world, and its mortality rate ranks among the top three among malignant tumors in my country.

According to data: A total of 679,000 new gastric cancers were diagnosed in China, and 498,000 died due to gastric cancer, accounting for 16%-18% of cancer deaths.

Although the highest incidence of gastric cancer is in the age group of 50-80, in the past five years, the number of young people aged 19-35 with gastric cancer has doubled compared to 30 years ago.

In fact, the occurrence of gastric cancer is closely related to lifestyle habits

As a high incidence of cancer in my country, in addition to family genetic history, gastric cancer loves smoking, pickled, fried food, high-pressure diet, pyloric screw Bacterial infection has become an important incentive.

And the racial and geographical differences of gastric cancer are very obvious, especially in East Asia, which is a high incidence area of ​​gastric cancer, among whichThe total number of gastric cancer in China, Japan and South Korea accounts for 70% of the world’s total. % or so.

Stomach cancer in the middle and late stages of cancer, if immediate surgical treatment is performed, the postoperative survival rate is often less than 30%.

According to the statistics of the National Cancer Center, the incidence of gastric cancer among Chinese residents has been on the rise in recent years.

Everyone should pay more attention to the prevention of gastric cancer.

What can I do to effectively stay away from stomach cancer?

First, eat on time

It is very important to develop a good habit of eating on time to ensure a healthy stomach.

Because the gastrointestinal punctuality is very strong, if you often eat irregularly, it is easy to cause damage to the gastric mucosa due to long-term fasting, which will be very important for the prevention of gastric cancer. unfavorable.

At the same time, promote a low-salt diet, eat less pickled and smoked foods, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

(This panacea advice applies to almost any disease.)

Second, stay away from alcohol

Alcohol damages human health in many ways. Regular drinking will cause strong adverse stimulation to the gastric mucosa. Once the gastric mucosa is damaged, it is easy to cause gastritis and gastric ulcer. .

If the disease is not treated effectively in time, it is likely to induce gastric cancer as the disease progresses and deteriorates.

Third, pay attention to dietary hygiene

Focusing on dietary hygiene and avoiding disease from the mouth is also very important to prevent gastric cancer.

Especially in the process of preventing Helicobacter pylori infection, we must pay more attention to the hygiene of meals, and avoid sharing tableware or dishes with others, otherwise it is easy to cause pylori due to shared meals Helicobacter infection.

If the disease is not detected and eradicated in time, the risk of developing gastric cancer will be very high.

Especially in atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplastic precancerous lesions, or family history of gastric cancer >, it is recommended to perform a Helicobacter pylori test, and if it is positive, drug eradication treatment is required.

and for recurrent gastric and duodenal ulcers, and other reasons requiring acid suppression patients also need to be regularly checked for Helicobacter pylori.

Fourth, regular physical examination, treatment of precancerous diseases

If some early symptoms of stomach problems are found during daily examination, it is necessary to go to the gastroenterology department for further diagnosis.

And for patients with atrophic gastritis, gastric polyps and other diseases, or with intestinal metaplasia, intraepithelial neoplasia (ie atypical hyperplasia), standard treatment and regular review are required.

Prevention of problems is still the best treatment method

I believe everyone has heard the saying that fruit cures “preventive disease”, and the same is true for gastric cancer.

Any way to treat gastric cancer is more important than preventing gastric cancer. Therefore, it is more important to prevent the occurrence of cancer in daily life.

The same is true for cancer. Only by doing relevant preventive work can we better stay away from the threat of cancer.


[1] You, W.C., et al, Randomized double-blind factorial trial of three treatments to reduce the prevalence of gastric precancerous lesions. National Cancer Institute, 2006. 98(14): pp. 974-83.

【2】Ma, J.L., et al., Fifteen-year effects of Helicobacter pylori, garlic, and vitamin therapy on gastric cancer morbidity and mortality. National Cancer Institute, 2012 .104(6): pp. 488-92.